Source code for stingray.varenergyspectrum

import numpy as np
import warnings
from stingray.base import StingrayObject
from stingray.gti import check_separate, cross_two_gtis

from stingray.lightcurve import Lightcurve
from stingray.utils import assign_value_if_none, simon, excess_variance, show_progress

from stingray.fourier import (
from stingray.fourier import poisson_level, error_on_averaged_cross_spectrum, cross_to_covariance
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

__all__ = [

def get_non_overlapping_ref_band(channel_band, ref_band):
    Ensures that the ``channel_band`` (i.e. the band of interest) is
    not contained within the ``ref_band`` (i.e. the reference band)

    channel_band : iterable of type ``[elow, ehigh]``
        The lower/upper limits of the energies to be contained in the band
        of interest

    ref_band : iterable
        The lower/upper limits of the energies in the reference band

    ref_intervals : iterable
        The channels that are both in the reference band in not in the
        bands of interest

    >>> channel_band = [2, 3]
    >>> ref_band = [[0, 10]]
    >>> new_ref = get_non_overlapping_ref_band(channel_band, ref_band)
    >>> assert np.allclose(new_ref, [[0, 2], [3, 10]])

    Test this also works with a 1-D ref. band
    >>> new_ref = get_non_overlapping_ref_band(channel_band, [0, 10])
    >>> assert np.allclose(new_ref, [[0, 2], [3, 10]])
    >>> new_ref = get_non_overlapping_ref_band([0, 1], [[2, 3]])
    >>> assert np.allclose(new_ref, [[2, 3]])
    channel_band = np.asarray(channel_band)
    ref_band = np.asarray(ref_band)
    if len(ref_band.shape) <= 1:
        ref_band = np.asarray([ref_band])
    if check_separate(ref_band, [channel_band]):
        return np.asarray(ref_band)
    not_channel_band = [
        [0, channel_band[0]],
        [channel_band[1], np.max([np.max(ref_band), channel_band[1] + 1])],

    return cross_two_gtis(ref_band, not_channel_band)

def _decode_energy_specification(energy_spec):
    """Decode the energy specification tuple.

    energy_spec : iterable
        list containing the energy specification
        Must have the following structure:
            * energy_spec[0]: lower edge of (log) energy space
            * energy_spec[1]: upper edge of (log) energy space
            * energy_spec[2] +1 : energy bin edges (hence the +1)
            * {`lin` | `log`} flat deciding whether the energy space is linear
              or logarithmic

    energies : numpy.ndarray
        An array of lower/upper bin edges for the energy array

    >>> _decode_energy_specification([0, 2, 2, 'lin'])
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: Energy specification must be a tuple
    >>> a = _decode_energy_specification((0, 2, 2, 'lin'))
    >>> assert np.allclose(a, [0, 1, 2])
    >>> a = _decode_energy_specification((1, 4, 2, 'log'))
    >>> assert np.allclose(a, [1, 2, 4])
    if not isinstance(energy_spec, tuple):
        raise ValueError("Energy specification must be a tuple")

    if energy_spec[-1].lower() not in ["lin", "log"]:
        raise ValueError("Incorrect energy specification")

    log_distr = True if energy_spec[-1].lower() == "log" else False

    if log_distr:
        energies = np.logspace(
            np.log10(energy_spec[0]), np.log10(energy_spec[1]), energy_spec[2] + 1
        energies = np.linspace(energy_spec[0], energy_spec[1], energy_spec[2] + 1)

    return energies

[docs] class VarEnergySpectrum(StingrayObject, metaclass=ABCMeta): main_array_attr = "energy" """ Base class for variability-energy spectrum. This class is only a base for the various variability spectra, and it's not to be instantiated by itself. Parameters ---------- events : :class:`` object event list freq_interval : ``[f0, f1]``, floats the frequency range over which calculating the variability quantity energy_spec : list or tuple ``(emin, emax, N, type)`` if a ``list`` is specified, this is interpreted as a list of bin edges; if a ``tuple`` is provided, this will encode the minimum and maximum energies, the number of intervals, and ``lin`` or ``log``. Other Parameters ---------------- ref_band : ``[emin, emax``], floats; default ``None`` minimum and maximum energy of the reference band. If ``None``, the full band is used. use_pi : bool, default ``False`` Use channel instead of energy events2 : :class:`` object event list for the second channel, if not the same. Useful if the reference band has to be taken from another detector. return_complex: bool, default False In spectra that produce complex values, return the whole spectrum. Otherwise, the absolute value will be returned. Attributes ---------- events1 : array-like list of events used to produce the spectrum events2 : array-like if the spectrum requires it, second list of events freq_interval : array-like interval of frequencies used to calculate the spectrum energy_intervals : ``[[e00, e01], [e10, e11], ...]`` energy intervals used for the spectrum spectrum : array-like the spectral values, corresponding to each energy interval spectrum_error : array-like the error bars corresponding to spectrum energy : array-like The centers of energy intervals """ def __init__( self, events, freq_interval, energy_spec, ref_band=None, bin_time=1, use_pi=False, segment_size=None, events2=None, return_complex=False, ): self.events1 = events self.events2 = assign_value_if_none(events2, events) self._analyze_inputs() # This will be set to True in ComplexCovariance self.return_complex = return_complex self.freq_interval = freq_interval self.use_pi = use_pi self.bin_time = bin_time if isinstance(energy_spec, tuple): energies = _decode_energy_specification(energy_spec) else: energies = np.asarray(energy_spec) self.energy_intervals = list(zip(energies[0:-1], energies[1:])) self.ref_band = np.asarray(assign_value_if_none(ref_band, [0, np.inf])) if len(self.ref_band.shape) <= 1: self.ref_band = np.asarray([self.ref_band]) self.segment_size = self.delta_nu = None if segment_size is not None: self.segment_size = segment_size self.delta_nu = 1 / self.segment_size self._create_empty_spectrum() if events.time is None or len(events.time) == 0: simon("There are no events in your event list! Can't make a spectrum!") else: self._spectrum_function() @property def energy(self): """Give the centers of the energy intervals.""" return np.sum(self.energy_intervals, axis=1) / 2 def _analyze_inputs(self): """Make some checks on the inputs and set some internal variable. If the object of events1 is the same as events2, set `same_events` to True. This will, for example, tell the methods to use events1 for the subject bands and events2 for the reference band (useful in deadtime-affected data). Also, if the event lists are distinct, calculate common GTIs. """ events1 = self.events1 events2 = self.events2 common_gti = events1.gti if events2 is None or events2 is events1: self.events2 = self.events1 self.same_events = True else: common_gti = cross_two_gtis(events1.gti, events2.gti) self.same_events = False self.gti = common_gti def _create_empty_spectrum(self): """Allocate the arrays of the output spectrum. Default value is NaN. This is because most spectral timing products are prone to numerical errors, and it's more informative to have a default invalid value rather than something like, e.g., 0 or 1 """ if self.return_complex: dtype = complex else: dtype = float self.spectrum = np.zeros(len(self.energy_intervals), dtype=dtype) + np.nan self.spectrum_error = np.zeros_like(self.spectrum, dtype=dtype) + np.nan def _get_times_from_energy_range(self, events, erange, use_pi=False): """Get event times from the wanted energy range. Parameters ---------- events : `EventList` Input event list erange : [e0, e1] Energy range in keV Other parameters ---------------- use_pi : bool, default False Use the PI channel instead of energies Returns ------- out_ev : `EventList` The filtered event list. """ if use_pi: energies = events.pi else: energies = mask = (energies >= erange[0]) & (energies < erange[1]) return events.time[mask] def _get_good_frequency_bins(self, freq=None): """Get frequency mask corresponding to the wanted frequency interval Parameters ---------- freq : `np.array`, default None The frequency array. If None, it will get calculated from the number of spectral bins using `np.fft.fftfreq` Returns ------- freq_mask : `np.array` of bool The frequency mask. """ if freq is None: n_bin = np.rint(self.segment_size / self.bin_time) freq = fftfreq(int(n_bin), self.bin_time) freq = freq[freq > 0] good = (freq >= self.freq_interval[0]) & (freq < self.freq_interval[1]) return good def _construct_lightcurves( self, channel_band, tstart=None, tstop=None, exclude=True, only_base=False ): """ Construct light curves from event data, for each band of interest. Parameters ---------- channel_band : iterable of type ``[elow, ehigh]`` The lower/upper limits of the energies to be contained in the band of interest tstart : float, optional, default ``None`` A common start time (if start of observation is different from the first recorded event) tstop : float, optional, default ``None`` A common stop time (if start of observation is different from the first recorded event) exclude : bool, optional, default ``True`` if ``True``, exclude the band of interest from the reference band only_base : bool, optional, default ``False`` if ``True``, only return the light curve of the channel of interest, not that of the reference band Returns ------- base_lc : :class:`Lightcurve` object The light curve of the channels of interest ref_lc : :class:`Lightcurve` object (only returned if ``only_base`` is ``False``) The reference light curve for comparison with ``base_lc`` """ if self.use_pi: energies1 = self.events1.pi energies2 = self.events2.pi else: energies2 = energies1 = gti = cross_two_gtis(self.events1.gti, self.events2.gti) tstart = assign_value_if_none(tstart, gti[0, 0]) tstop = assign_value_if_none(tstop, gti[-1, -1]) good = (energies1 >= channel_band[0]) & (energies1 < channel_band[1]) base_lc = Lightcurve.make_lightcurve( self.events1.time[good], self.bin_time, tstart=tstart, tseg=tstop - tstart, gti=gti, mjdref=self.events1.mjdref, ) if only_base: return base_lc if exclude: ref_intervals = get_non_overlapping_ref_band(channel_band, self.ref_band) else: ref_intervals = self.ref_band ref_lc = Lightcurve( base_lc.time, np.zeros_like(base_lc.counts), gti=base_lc.gti, mjdref=base_lc.mjdref, dt=base_lc.dt, err_dist=base_lc.err_dist, skip_checks=True, ) for i in ref_intervals: good = (energies2 >= i[0]) & (energies2 < i[1]) new_lc = Lightcurve.make_lightcurve( self.events2.time[good], self.bin_time, tstart=tstart, tseg=tstop - tstart, gti=base_lc.gti, mjdref=self.events2.mjdref, ) ref_lc = ref_lc + new_lc ref_lc.err_dist = base_lc.err_dist return base_lc, ref_lc @abstractmethod def _spectrum_function(self): pass
[docs] def from_astropy_table(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("from_XXXX methods are not implemented for VarEnergySpectrum")
[docs] def from_xarray(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("from_XXXX methods are not implemented for VarEnergySpectrum")
[docs] def from_pandas(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("from_XXXX methods are not implemented for VarEnergySpectrum")
class RmsSpectrum(VarEnergySpectrum): """Calculate the rms-Energy spectrum. For each energy interval, calculate the power density spectrum in absolute or fractional r.m.s. normalization, and integrate it in the given frequency range to obtain the rms. If ``events2`` is specified, the cospectrum is used instead of the PDS. We assume absolute r.m.s. normalization. To get the fractional r.m.s. we just divide by the mean count rate. Parameters ---------- events : :class:`` object event list freq_interval : ``[f0, f1]``, list of float the frequency range over which calculating the variability quantity energy_spec : list or tuple ``(emin, emax, N, type)`` if a ``list`` is specified, this is interpreted as a list of bin edges; if a ``tuple`` is provided, this will encode the minimum and maximum energies, the number of intervals, and ``lin`` or ``log``. Other Parameters ---------------- ref_band : ``[emin, emax]``, float; default ``None`` minimum and maximum energy of the reference band. If ``None``, the full band is used. use_pi : bool, default ``False`` Use channel instead of energy events2 : :class:`` object event list for the second channel, if not the same. Useful if the reference band has to be taken from another detector. norm : str, one of ["abs", "frac"] The normalization of the rms, whether absolute or fractional. Attributes ---------- events1 : array-like list of events used to produce the spectrum events2 : array-like if the spectrum requires it, second list of events freq_interval : array-like interval of frequencies used to calculate the spectrum energy_intervals : ``[[e00, e01], [e10, e11], ...]`` energy intervals used for the spectrum spectrum : array-like the spectral values, corresponding to each energy interval spectrum_error : array-like the errorbars corresponding to spectrum """ def __init__( self, events, energy_spec, ref_band=None, freq_interval=[0, 1], bin_time=1, use_pi=False, segment_size=None, events2=None, norm="frac", ): self.norm = norm VarEnergySpectrum.__init__( self, events, freq_interval=freq_interval, energy_spec=energy_spec, bin_time=bin_time, use_pi=use_pi, ref_band=ref_band, segment_size=segment_size, events2=events2, ) def _spectrum_function(self): # Get the frequency bins to be averaged in the final results. good = self._get_good_frequency_bins() n_ave_bin = np.count_nonzero(good) # Get the frequency resolution of the final spectrum. delta_nu_after_mean = self.delta_nu * n_ave_bin for i, eint in enumerate(show_progress(self.energy_intervals)): # Extract events from the subject band and calculate the count rate # and Poisson noise level. sub_events = self._get_times_from_energy_range(self.events1, eint) countrate_sub = get_average_ctrate(sub_events, self.gti, self.segment_size) sub_power_noise = poisson_level(norm="abs", meanrate=countrate_sub) # If we provided the `events2` array, calculate the rms from the # cospectrum, otherwise from the PDS if not self.same_events: # Extract events from the subject band in the other array, and # calculate the count rate and Poisson noise level. sub_events2 = self._get_times_from_energy_range(self.events2, eint) countrate_sub2 = get_average_ctrate(sub_events2, self.gti, self.segment_size) sub2_power_noise = poisson_level(norm="abs", meanrate=countrate_sub2) # Calculate the cross spectrum results = avg_cs_from_timeseries( sub_events, sub_events2, self.gti, self.segment_size, self.bin_time, silent=True, norm="abs", ) if results is None: continue cross = results["power"] m_ave, mean = [results.meta[key] for key in ["m", "mean"]] mean_power = np.mean(cross[good]) power_noise = 0 rmsnoise = np.sqrt( delta_nu_after_mean * np.sqrt(sub_power_noise * sub2_power_noise) ) else: results = avg_pds_from_timeseries( sub_events, self.gti, self.segment_size, self.bin_time, silent=True, norm="abs" ) if results is None: continue sub_power = results["power"] m_ave, mean = [results.meta[key] for key in ["m", "mean"]] mean_power = np.mean(sub_power[good]) power_noise = sub_power_noise rmsnoise = np.sqrt(delta_nu_after_mean * power_noise) meanrate = mean / self.bin_time rms = np.sqrt(np.abs(mean_power - power_noise) * delta_nu_after_mean) # Assume coherence 0, use Ingram+2019 num = rms**4 + rmsnoise**4 + 2 * rms * rmsnoise den = 4 * m_ave * n_ave_bin * rms**2 rms_err = np.sqrt(num / den) if self.norm == "frac": rms, rms_err = rms / meanrate, rms_err / meanrate self.spectrum[i] = rms self.spectrum_error[i] = rms_err RmsEnergySpectrum = RmsSpectrum
[docs] class ExcessVarianceSpectrum(VarEnergySpectrum): """Calculate the Excess Variance spectrum. For each energy interval, calculate the excess variance in the specified frequency range. Parameters ---------- events : :class:`` object event list freq_interval : ``[f0, f1]``, list of float the frequency range over which calculating the variability quantity energy_spec : list or tuple ``(emin, emax, N, type)`` if a list is specified, this is interpreted as a list of bin edges; if a tuple is provided, this will encode the minimum and maximum energies, the number of intervals, and ``lin`` or ``log``. Other Parameters ---------------- ref_band : ``[emin, emax]``, floats; default ``None`` minimum and maximum energy of the reference band. If ``None``, the full band is used. use_pi : bool, default ``False`` Use channel instead of energy Attributes ---------- events1 : array-like list of events used to produce the spectrum freq_interval : array-like interval of frequencies used to calculate the spectrum energy_intervals : ``[[e00, e01], [e10, e11], ...]`` energy intervals used for the spectrum spectrum : array-like the spectral values, corresponding to each energy interval spectrum_error : array-like the errorbars corresponding to spectrum """ def __init__( self, events, freq_interval, energy_spec, bin_time=1, use_pi=False, segment_size=None, normalization="fvar", ): self.normalization = normalization accepted_normalizations = ["fvar", "none"] if normalization not in accepted_normalizations: raise ValueError( "The normalization of excess variance must be " "one of {}".format(accepted_normalizations) ) VarEnergySpectrum.__init__( self, events, freq_interval, energy_spec, bin_time=bin_time, use_pi=use_pi, segment_size=segment_size, ) def _spectrum_function(self): spec = np.zeros(len(self.energy_intervals)) spec_err = np.zeros_like(spec) for i, eint in enumerate(self.energy_intervals): lc = self._construct_lightcurves(eint, exclude=False, only_base=True) spec[i], spec_err[i] = excess_variance(lc, self.normalization) return spec, spec_err
class CountSpectrum(VarEnergySpectrum): """Calculate the energy spectrum. For each energy interval, compute the counts. Parameters ---------- events : :class:`` object event list energy_spec : list or tuple ``(emin, emax, N, type)`` if a ``list`` is specified, this is interpreted as a list of bin edges; if a ``tuple`` is provided, this will encode the minimum and maximum energies, the number of intervals, and ``lin`` or ``log``. Other Parameters ---------------- use_pi : bool, default ``False`` Use channel instead of energy Attributes ---------- events1 : array-like list of events used to produce the spectrum energy_intervals : ``[[e00, e01], [e10, e11], ...]`` energy intervals used for the spectrum spectrum : array-like the spectral values, corresponding to each energy interval spectrum_error : array-like the errorbars corresponding to spectrum """ def __init__(self, events, energy_spec, use_pi=False): VarEnergySpectrum.__init__( self, events, None, energy_spec, use_pi=use_pi, ) def _spectrum_function(self): events = self.events1 for i, eint in show_progress(enumerate(self.energy_intervals)): sub_events = self._get_times_from_energy_range(events, eint, use_pi=self.use_pi) sp = sub_events.size self.spectrum[i] = sp self.spectrum_error[i] = np.sqrt(sp) class LagSpectrum(VarEnergySpectrum): """Calculate the lag-energy spectrum. For each energy interval, calculate the lag between two bands. If ``events2`` is specified, the energy bands are chosen from this second event list, while the reference band from ``events``. Parameters ---------- events : :class:`` object event list freq_interval : ``[f0, f1]``, list of float the frequency range over which calculating the variability quantity energy_spec : list or tuple ``(emin, emax, N, type)`` if a ``list`` is specified, this is interpreted as a list of bin edges; if a ``tuple`` is provided, this will encode the minimum and maximum energies, the number of intervals, and ``lin`` or ``log``. Other Parameters ---------------- ref_band : ``[emin, emax]``, float; default ``None`` minimum and maximum energy of the reference band. If ``None``, the full band is used. use_pi : bool, default ``False`` Use channel instead of energy events2 : :class:`` object event list for the second channel, if not the same. Useful if the reference band has to be taken from another detector. Attributes ---------- events1 : array-like list of events used to produce the spectrum events2 : array-like if the spectrum requires it, second list of events freq_interval : array-like interval of frequencies used to calculate the spectrum energy_intervals : ``[[e00, e01], [e10, e11], ...]`` energy intervals used for the spectrum spectrum : array-like the lag values, corresponding to each energy interval spectrum_error : array-like the errorbars corresponding to spectrum """ # events, freq_interval, energy_spec, ref_band = None def __init__( self, events, freq_interval, energy_spec, ref_band=None, bin_time=1, use_pi=False, segment_size=None, events2=None, ): VarEnergySpectrum.__init__( self, events, freq_interval, energy_spec=energy_spec, bin_time=bin_time, use_pi=use_pi, ref_band=ref_band, segment_size=segment_size, events2=events2, ) def _spectrum_function(self): # Extract the photon arrival times from the reference band ref_events = self._get_times_from_energy_range(self.events2, self.ref_band[0]) # Calculate the PDS in the reference band. Needed to calculate errors. results = avg_pds_from_timeseries( ref_events, self.gti, self.segment_size, self.bin_time, silent=True, norm="none" ) # Nph per interval, so on average it's the total number of events divided by # the number of intervals ref_power_noise = poisson_level(norm="none", n_ph=ref_events.size / results.meta["m"]) freq = results["freq"] ref_power = results["power"] m_ave = results.meta["m"] # Get the frequency bins to be averaged in the final results. good = self._get_good_frequency_bins(freq) mean_ref_power = np.mean(ref_power[good]) n_ave_bin = np.count_nonzero(good) m_tot = n_ave_bin * m_ave f = (self.freq_interval[0] + self.freq_interval[1]) / 2 for i, eint in enumerate(show_progress(self.energy_intervals)): # Extract the photon arrival times from the subject band sub_events = self._get_times_from_energy_range(self.events1, eint) results_cross = avg_cs_from_timeseries( sub_events, ref_events, self.gti, self.segment_size, self.bin_time, silent=True, norm="none", ) results_ps = avg_pds_from_timeseries( sub_events, self.gti, self.segment_size, self.bin_time, silent=True, norm="none" ) if results_cross is None or results_ps is None: continue # Nph per interval, so on average it's the total number of events divided by # the number of intervals sub_power_noise = poisson_level( norm="none", n_ph=sub_events.size / results_ps.meta["m"] ) cross = results_cross["power"] sub_power = results_ps["power"] Cmean = np.mean(cross[good]) mean_sub_power = np.mean(sub_power[good]) # Is the subject band overlapping with the reference band? # This will be used to correct the error bars, following # Ingram 2019. common_ref = self.same_events and len(cross_two_gtis([eint], self.ref_band)) > 0 _, _, phi_e, _ = error_on_averaged_cross_spectrum( Cmean, mean_sub_power, mean_ref_power, m_tot, sub_power_noise, ref_power_noise, common_ref=common_ref, ) # The frequency of these lags is measured from the *weighted* mean of the frequencies # in the cross spectrum. The weight is just the absolute value of the CS csabs = np.abs(cross[good]) fmean = np.sum(freq[good] * csabs) / np.sum(csabs) lag = np.angle(Cmean) / (2 * np.pi * fmean) lag_e = phi_e / (2 * np.pi * fmean) self.spectrum[i] = lag self.spectrum_error[i] = lag_e LagEnergySpectrum = LagSpectrum class ComplexCovarianceSpectrum(VarEnergySpectrum): """Calculate the complex covariance spectrum. For each energy interval, calculate the covariance between two bands. If ``events2`` is specified, the energy bands are chosen from this second event list, while the reference band from ``events``. Mastroserio et al. 2018, MNRAS, 475, 4027 We assume absolute r.m.s. normalization. To get the fractional r.m.s. we just divide by the mean count rate. Parameters ---------- events : :class:`` object event list freq_interval : ``[f0, f1]``, list of float the frequency range over which calculating the variability quantity energy_spec : list or tuple ``(emin, emax, N, type)`` if a ``list`` is specified, this is interpreted as a list of bin edges; if a ``tuple`` is provided, this will encode the minimum and maximum energies, the number of intervals, and ``lin`` or ``log``. Other Parameters ---------------- ref_band : ``[emin, emax]``, float; default ``None`` minimum and maximum energy of the reference band. If ``None``, the full band is used. use_pi : bool, default ``False`` Use channel instead of energy events2 : :class:`` object event list for the second channel, if not the same. Useful if the reference band has to be taken from another detector. norm : str, one of ["abs", "frac"] The normalization of the covariance, whether absolute or fractional. Attributes ---------- events1 : array-like list of events used to produce the spectrum events2 : array-like if the spectrum requires it, second list of events freq_interval : array-like interval of frequencies used to calculate the spectrum energy_intervals : ``[[e00, e01], [e10, e11], ...]`` energy intervals used for the spectrum spectrum : array-like the spectral values, corresponding to each energy interval spectrum_error : array-like the errorbars corresponding to spectrum """ def __init__( self, events, energy_spec, ref_band=None, freq_interval=[0, 1], bin_time=1, use_pi=False, segment_size=None, events2=None, norm="frac", return_complex=True, ): self.norm = norm VarEnergySpectrum.__init__( self, events, freq_interval=freq_interval, energy_spec=energy_spec, bin_time=bin_time, use_pi=use_pi, ref_band=ref_band, segment_size=segment_size, events2=events2, return_complex=return_complex, ) def _spectrum_function(self): # Extract events from the reference band and calculate the PDS and # the Poisson noise level. ref_events = self._get_times_from_energy_range(self.events2, self.ref_band[0]) countrate_ref = get_average_ctrate(ref_events, self.gti, self.segment_size) ref_power_noise = poisson_level(norm="abs", meanrate=countrate_ref) results = avg_pds_from_timeseries( ref_events, self.gti, self.segment_size, self.bin_time, silent=True, norm="abs" ) freq = results["freq"] ref_power = results["power"] m_ave = results.meta["m"] # Select the frequency range to be averaged for the measurement. good = (freq >= self.freq_interval[0]) & (freq < self.freq_interval[1]) n_ave_bin = np.count_nonzero(good) mean_ref_power = np.mean(ref_power[good]) m_tot = m_ave * n_ave_bin # Frequency resolution delta_nu = n_ave_bin * self.delta_nu for i, eint in enumerate(show_progress(self.energy_intervals)): # Extract events from the subject band sub_events = self._get_times_from_energy_range(self.events1, eint) countrate_sub = get_average_ctrate(sub_events, self.gti, self.segment_size) sub_power_noise = poisson_level(norm="abs", meanrate=countrate_sub) results_cross = avg_cs_from_timeseries( sub_events, ref_events, self.gti, self.segment_size, self.bin_time, silent=True, norm="abs", ) results_ps = avg_pds_from_timeseries( sub_events, self.gti, self.segment_size, self.bin_time, silent=True, norm="abs" ) if results_cross is None or results_ps is None: continue cross = results_cross["power"] sub_power = results_ps["power"] mean = results_ps.meta["mean"] # Is the subject band overlapping with the reference band? # This will be used to correct the error bars, following # Ingram 2019. common_ref = self.same_events and len(cross_two_gtis([eint], self.ref_band)) > 0 Cmean = np.mean(cross[good]) if common_ref: # Equation 6 from Ingram+2019 Cmean -= sub_power_noise Cmean_real = np.abs(Cmean) mean_sub_power = np.mean(sub_power[good]) _, _, _, Ce = error_on_averaged_cross_spectrum( Cmean, mean_sub_power, mean_ref_power, m_tot, sub_power_noise, ref_power_noise, common_ref=common_ref, ) if not self.return_complex: Cmean = Cmean_real # Convert the cross spectrum to a covariance. cov, cov_e = cross_to_covariance( np.asarray([Cmean, Ce]), mean_ref_power, ref_power_noise, delta_nu ) meanrate = mean / self.bin_time if self.norm == "frac": cov, cov_e = cov / meanrate, cov_e / meanrate self.spectrum[i] = cov self.spectrum_error[i] = cov_e class CovarianceSpectrum(ComplexCovarianceSpectrum): """Calculate the covariance spectrum. This is just the absolute value of the complex covariance spectrum. Refer to that documentation for details. For the original formulation of the covariance spectrum, see: Wilkinson & Uttley 2009, MNRAS, 397, 666 Parameters ---------- events : :class:`` object event list freq_interval : ``[f0, f1]``, list of float the frequency range over which calculating the variability quantity energy_spec : list or tuple ``(emin, emax, N, type)`` if a ``list`` is specified, this is interpreted as a list of bin edges; if a ``tuple`` is provided, this will encode the minimum and maximum energies, the number of intervals, and ``lin`` or ``log``. Other Parameters ---------------- ref_band : ``[emin, emax]``, float; default ``None`` minimum and maximum energy of the reference band. If ``None``, the full band is used. use_pi : bool, default ``False`` Use channel instead of energy events2 : :class:`` object event list for the second channel, if not the same. Useful if the reference band has to be taken from another detector. norm : str, one of ["abs", "frac"] The normalization of the covariance, whether absolute or fractional. Attributes ---------- events1 : array-like list of events used to produce the spectrum events2 : array-like if the spectrum requires it, second list of events freq_interval : array-like interval of frequencies used to calculate the spectrum energy_intervals : ``[[e00, e01], [e10, e11], ...]`` energy intervals used for the spectrum spectrum : array-like the spectral values, corresponding to each energy interval spectrum_error : array-like the errorbars corresponding to spectrum """ def __init__( self, events, energy_spec, ref_band=None, freq_interval=[0, 1], bin_time=1, use_pi=False, segment_size=None, events2=None, norm="abs", ): ComplexCovarianceSpectrum.__init__( self, events, freq_interval=freq_interval, energy_spec=energy_spec, bin_time=bin_time, use_pi=use_pi, norm=norm, ref_band=ref_band, return_complex=False, segment_size=segment_size, events2=events2, )