Source code for stingray.stats

import warnings
from import Iterable

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from stingray.utils import simon
from stingray.utils import vectorize, float64, float32, int32, int64

__all__ = [

@vectorize([float64(float32), float64(float64)], nopython=True)
def _extended_equiv_gaussian_Nsigma(logp):
    """Equivalent gaussian sigma for small log-probability.

    Return the equivalent gaussian sigma corresponding to the natural log of
    the cumulative gaussian probability logp. In other words, return x, such
    that Q(x) = p, where Q(x) is the cumulative normal distribution. This
    version uses the rational approximation from Abramowitz and Stegun,
    eqn 26.2.23, that claims to be precise to ~1e-4. Using the log(P) as input
    gives a much extended range.

    The parameters here are the result of a best-fit, with no physical meaning.

    Translated from Scott Ransom's PRESTO

    t = np.sqrt(-2.0 * logp)
    num = 2.515517 + t * (0.802853 + t * 0.010328)
    denom = 1.0 + t * (1.432788 + t * (0.189269 + t * 0.001308))
    return t - num / denom

def equivalent_gaussian_Nsigma_from_logp(logp):
    """Number of Gaussian sigmas corresponding to tail log-probability.

    This function computes the value of the characteristic function of a
    standard Gaussian distribution for the tail probability equivalent to the
    provided p-value, and turns this value into units of standard deviations
    away from the Gaussian mean. This allows the user to make a statement
    about the signal such as “I detected this pulsation at 4.1 sigma

    The example values below are obtained by brute-force integrating the
    Gaussian probability density function using the mpmath library
    between Nsigma and +inf.

    >>> pvalues = [0.15865525393145707, 0.0013498980316301035,
    ...            9.865877e-10, 6.22096e-16,
    ...            3.0567e-138]
    >>> log_pvalues = np.log(np.array(pvalues))
    >>> sigmas = np.array([1, 3, 6, 8, 25])
    >>> # Single number
    >>> assert np.isclose(equivalent_gaussian_Nsigma_from_logp(log_pvalues[0]),
    ...                   sigmas[0], atol=0.01)
    >>> # Array
    >>> assert np.allclose(equivalent_gaussian_Nsigma_from_logp(log_pvalues),
    ...                    sigmas, atol=0.01)
    if logp < -300:
        # print("Extended")
        return _extended_equiv_gaussian_Nsigma(logp)
    return stats.norm.isf(np.exp(logp))

[docs] def equivalent_gaussian_Nsigma(p): """Number of Gaussian sigmas corresponding to tail probability. This function computes the value of the characteristic function of a standard Gaussian distribution for the tail probability equivalent to the provided p-value, and turns this value into units of standard deviations away from the Gaussian mean. This allows the user to make a statement about the signal such as “I detected this pulsation at 4.1 sigma The example values below are obtained by brute-force integrating the Gaussian probability density function using the mpmath library between Nsigma and +inf. Examples -------- >>> assert np.isclose(equivalent_gaussian_Nsigma(0.15865525393145707), 1, ... atol=0.01) >>> assert np.isclose(equivalent_gaussian_Nsigma(0.0013498980316301035), 3, ... atol=0.01) >>> assert np.isclose(equivalent_gaussian_Nsigma(9.865877e-10), 6, ... atol=0.01) >>> assert np.isclose(equivalent_gaussian_Nsigma(6.22096e-16), 8, ... atol=0.01) >>> assert np.isclose(equivalent_gaussian_Nsigma(3.0567e-138), 25, atol=0.1) """ return equivalent_gaussian_Nsigma_from_logp(np.log(p))
@vectorize([float64(float32, float32), float64(float64, float64)], nopython=True) def _log_asymptotic_incomplete_gamma(a, z): """Asymptotic natural log of incomplete gamma function. Return the natural log of the incomplete gamma function in its asymptotic limit as z->infty. This is from Abramowitz and Stegun eqn 6.5.32. Translated from Scott Ransom's PRESTO """ x = 1.0 newxpart = 1.0 term = 1.0 ii = 1 while np.abs(newxpart) > 1e-15: term *= a - ii newxpart = term / np.power(z, ii) x += newxpart ii += 1 return (a - 1.0) * np.log(z) - z + np.log(x) @vectorize([float64(float32), float64(float64)], nopython=True) def _log_asymptotic_gamma(z): """Natural log of the Gamma function in its asymptotic limit. Return the natural log of the gamma function in its asymptotic limit as z->infty. This is from Abramowitz and Stegun eqn 6.1.41. Translated from Scott Ransom's PRESTO """ half_log_twopi = 0.91893853320467267 # (1/2)*log(2*pi) one_twelfth = 8.3333333333333333333333e-2 one_degree = 2.7777777777777777777778e-3 # 1 / 360 one_over_1680 = 5.9523809523809529e-4 one_over_1260 = 7.9365079365079365079365e-4 x = (z - 0.5) * np.log(z) - z + half_log_twopi y = 1.0 / (z * z) x += (((-one_over_1680 * y + one_over_1260) * y - one_degree) * y + one_twelfth) / z return x @np.vectorize def chi2_logp(chi2, dof): """Log survival function of the chi-squared distribution. Examples -------- >>> chi2 = 31 >>> # Test check on dof >>> chi2_logp(chi2, 1) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The number of degrees of freedom cannot be < 2 >>> # Test that approximate function works as expected. chi2 / dof > 15, >>> # but small and safe number in order to compare to scipy.stats >>> assert np.isclose(chi2_logp(chi2, 2), stats.chi2.logsf(chi2, 2), atol=0.1) >>> chi2 = np.array([5, 32]) >>> assert np.allclose(chi2_logp(chi2, 2), stats.chi2.logsf(chi2, 2), atol=0.1) """ if dof < 2: raise ValueError("The number of degrees of freedom cannot be < 2") # If very large reduced chi squared, use approximation. This is an # eyeballed limit parameter space where the difference between the # approximation and the scipy version is tiny, but above which the scipy # version starts failing. if (chi2 / dof > 15.0) or ((dof > 150) and (chi2 / dof > 6.0)): return _log_asymptotic_incomplete_gamma(0.5 * dof, 0.5 * chi2) - _log_asymptotic_gamma( 0.5 * dof ) return stats.chi2.logsf(chi2, dof) @vectorize( [ float64(float32, int32), float64(float32, int64), float64(float64, int32), float64(float64, int64), ], nopython=True, ) def _logp_multitrial_from_single_logp(logp1, n): """Calculate a multi-trial p-value from the log of a single-trial one. This allows to work around Numba's limitation on longdoubles, a way to vectorize the computation when we need longdouble precision. Parameters ---------- logp1 : float The natural logarithm of the significance at which we reject the null hypothesis on each single trial. n : int The number of trials Returns ------- logpn : float The log of the significance at which we reject the null hypothesis after multiple trials """ # If the the probability is very small (p1 * n) < 1e-6, use Bonferroni # approximation. logn = np.log(n) if logp1 + logn < -7: return logp1 + logn return np.log(1 - (1 - np.exp(logp1)) ** n)
[docs] def p_multitrial_from_single_trial(p1, n): r"""Calculate a multi-trial p-value from a single-trial one. Calling *p* the probability of a single success, the Binomial distributions says that the probability *at least* one outcome in n trials is .. math:: P(k\geq 1) = \sum_{k\geq 1} \binom{n}{k} p^k (1-p)^{(n-k)} or more simply, using P(k ≥ 0) = 1 .. math:: P(k\geq 1) = 1 - \binom{n}{0} (1-p)^n = 1 - (1-p)^n Parameters ---------- p1 : float The significance at which we reject the null hypothesis on each single trial. n : int The number of trials Returns ------- pn : float The significance at which we reject the null hypothesis after multiple trials """ logpn = _logp_multitrial_from_single_logp(np.log(p1).astype(np.double), n) return np.exp(np.longdouble(logpn))
@vectorize( [ float64(float32, int32), float64(float32, int64), float64(float64, int32), float64(float64, int64), ], nopython=True, ) def _logp_single_trial_from_logp_multitrial(logpn, n): """Calculate a multi-trial p-value from the log of a single-trial one. This allows to work around Numba's limitation on longdoubles, a way to vectorize the computation when we need longdouble precision. Parameters ---------- logpn : float The natural logarithm of the significance at which we want to reject the null hypothesis after multiple trials n : int The number of trials Returns ------- logp1 : float The log of the significance at which we reject the null hypothesis on each single trial. """ logn = np.log(n) # If the the probability is very small, use Bonferroni approximation. if logpn < -7: return logpn - logn # Numerical errors arise when pn is very close to 1. (logpn ~ 0) if 1 - np.exp(logpn) < np.finfo(np.double).resolution * 1000: return np.nan p1 = 1 - np.power(1 - np.exp(logpn), 1 / n) return np.log(p1)
[docs] def p_single_trial_from_p_multitrial(pn, n): r"""Calculate the single-trial p-value from a total p-value Let us say that we want to reject a null hypothesis at the ``pn`` level, after executing ``n`` different measurements. This might be the case because, e.g., we want to have a 1% probability of detecting a signal in an entire power spectrum, and we need to correct the detection level accordingly. The typical procedure is dividing the initial probability (often called _epsilon_) by the number of trials. This is called the Bonferroni correction and it is often a good approximation, when ``pn`` is low: ``p1 = pn / n``. However, if ``pn`` is close to 1, this approximation gives incorrect results. Here we calculate this probability by inverting the Binomial problem. Given that (see ``p_multitrial_from_single_trial``) the probability of getting more than one hit in n trials, given the single-trial probability *p*, is .. math :: P (k \geq 1) = 1 - (1 - p)^n, we get the single trial probability from the multi-trial one from .. math :: p = 1 - (1 - P)^{(1/n)} This is also known as Šidák correction. Parameters ---------- pn : float The significance at which we want to reject the null hypothesis after multiple trials n : int The number of trials Returns ------- p1 : float The significance at which we reject the null hypothesis on each single trial. """ logp = _logp_single_trial_from_logp_multitrial(np.log(pn).astype(np.float64), n) if np.any(np.isnan(logp)): if np.any(1 - pn < np.finfo(np.double).resolution * 1000): warnings.warn("Multi-trial probability is very close to 1.") warnings.warn("The problem is ill-conditioned. Returning NaN") return np.exp(logp)
[docs] def fold_profile_probability(stat, nbin, ntrial=1): """Calculate the probability of a certain folded profile, due to noise. Parameters ---------- stat : float The epoch folding statistics nbin : int The number of bins in the profile Other Parameters ---------------- ntrial : int The number of trials executed to find this profile Returns ------- p : float The probability that the profile has been produced by noise """ p1 = stats.chi2.sf(stat, (nbin - 1)) return p_multitrial_from_single_trial(p1, ntrial)
[docs] def fold_profile_logprobability(stat, nbin, ntrial=1): """Calculate the probability of a certain folded profile, due to noise. Parameters ---------- stat : float The epoch folding statistics nbin : int The number of bins in the profile Other Parameters ---------------- ntrial : int The number of trials executed to find this profile Returns ------- logp : float The log-probability that the profile has been produced by noise """ p1 = chi2_logp(stat, (nbin - 1)) return _logp_multitrial_from_single_logp(p1, ntrial)
[docs] def fold_detection_level(nbin, epsilon=0.01, ntrial=1): """Return the detection level for a folded profile. See Leahy et al. (1983). Parameters ---------- nbin : int The number of bins in the profile epsilon : float, default 0.01 The fractional probability that the signal has been produced by noise Other Parameters ---------------- ntrial : int The number of trials executed to find this profile Returns ------- detlev : float The epoch folding statistics corresponding to a probability epsilon * 100 % that the signal has been produced by noise """ epsilon = p_single_trial_from_p_multitrial(epsilon, ntrial) return stats.chi2.isf(epsilon.astype(np.double), nbin - 1)
[docs] def phase_dispersion_probability(stat, nsamples, nbin, ntrial=1): """Calculate the probability of a peak in a phase dispersion minimization periodogram, due to noise. Uses the beta-distribution from Czerny-Schwarzendorf (1997). Parameters ---------- stat : float The value of the PDM inverse peak nsamples : int The number of samples in the time series nbin : int The number of bins in the profile Other Parameters ---------------- ntrial : int The number of trials executed to find this profile Returns ------- p : float The probability that the profile has been produced by noise """ d2 = nsamples - nbin d1 = nbin - 1 beta = stats.beta(d2 / 2.0, d1 / 2.0) p1 = beta.cdf(stat) return p_multitrial_from_single_trial(p1, ntrial)
[docs] def phase_dispersion_logprobability(stat, nsamples, nbin, ntrial=1): """Calculate the log-probability of a peak in a phase dispersion minimization periodogram, due to noise. Uses the beta-distribution from Czerny-Schwarzendorf (1997). Parameters ---------- stat : float The value of the PDM inverse peak nsamples : int The number of samples in the time series nbin : int The number of bins in the profile Other Parameters ---------------- ntrial : int The number of trials executed to find this profile Returns ------- logp : float The log-probability that the profile has been produced by noise """ d2 = nsamples - nbin d1 = nbin - 1 beta = stats.beta(d2 / 2.0, d1 / 2.0) p1 = beta.logcdf(stat) return _logp_multitrial_from_single_logp(p1, ntrial)
[docs] def phase_dispersion_detection_level(nsamples, nbin, epsilon=0.01, ntrial=1): """Return the detection level for a phase dispersion minimization periodogram.. Parameters ---------- nsamples : int The number of time bins in the light curve nbin : int The number of bins in the profile epsilon : float, default 0.01 The fractional probability that the signal has been produced by noise Other Parameters ---------------- ntrial : int The number of trials executed to find this profile Returns ------- detlev : float The epoch folding statistics corresponding to a probability epsilon * 100 % that the signal has been produced by noise """ epsilon = p_single_trial_from_p_multitrial(epsilon, ntrial) d2 = nsamples - nbin d1 = nbin - 1 beta = stats.beta(d2 / 2.0, d1 / 2.0) return beta.ppf(epsilon.astype(np.double))
[docs] def z2_n_probability(z2, n, ntrial=1, n_summed_spectra=1): """Calculate the probability of a certain folded profile, due to noise. Parameters ---------- z2 : float A Z^2_n statistics value n : int, default 2 The ``n`` in $Z^2_n$ (number of harmonics, including the fundamental) Other Parameters ---------------- ntrial : int The number of trials executed to find this profile n_summed_spectra : int Number of Z_2^n periodograms that were averaged to obtain z2 Returns ------- p : float The probability that the Z^2_n value has been produced by noise """ epsilon_1 = stats.chi2.sf(z2 * n_summed_spectra, 2 * n * n_summed_spectra) epsilon = p_multitrial_from_single_trial(epsilon_1, ntrial) return epsilon
[docs] def z2_n_logprobability(z2, n, ntrial=1, n_summed_spectra=1): """Calculate the probability of a certain folded profile, due to noise. Parameters ---------- z2 : float A Z^2_n statistics value n : int, default 2 The ``n`` in $Z^2_n$ (number of harmonics, including the fundamental) Other Parameters ---------------- ntrial : int The number of trials executed to find this profile n_summed_spectra : int Number of Z_2^n periodograms that were averaged to obtain z2 Returns ------- p : float The probability that the Z^2_n value has been produced by noise """ epsilon_1 = chi2_logp(np.double(z2 * n_summed_spectra), 2 * n * n_summed_spectra) epsilon = _logp_multitrial_from_single_logp(epsilon_1, ntrial) return epsilon
[docs] def z2_n_detection_level(n=2, epsilon=0.01, ntrial=1, n_summed_spectra=1): """Return the detection level for the Z^2_n statistics. See Buccheri et al. (1983), Bendat and Piersol (1971). Parameters ---------- n : int, default 2 The ``n`` in $Z^2_n$ (number of harmonics, including the fundamental) epsilon : float, default 0.01 The fractional probability that the signal has been produced by noise Other Parameters ---------------- ntrial : int The number of trials executed to find this profile n_summed_spectra : int Number of Z_2^n periodograms that are being averaged Returns ------- detlev : float The epoch folding statistics corresponding to a probability epsilon * 100 % that the signal has been produced by noise """ epsilon = p_single_trial_from_p_multitrial(epsilon, ntrial) retlev = stats.chi2.isf(epsilon.astype(np.double), 2 * n_summed_spectra * n) / ( n_summed_spectra ) return retlev
[docs] def pds_probability(level, ntrial=1, n_summed_spectra=1, n_rebin=1): r"""Give the probability of a given power level in PDS. Return the probability of a certain power level in a Power Density Spectrum of nbins bins, normalized a la Leahy (1983), based on the 2-dof :math:`{\chi}^2` statistics, corrected for rebinning (n_rebin) and multiple PDS averaging (n_summed_spectra) Parameters ---------- level : float or array of floats The power level for which we are calculating the probability Other Parameters ---------------- ntrial : int The number of *independent* trials (the independent bins of the PDS) n_summed_spectra : int The number of power density spectra that have been averaged to obtain this power level n_rebin : int The number of power density bins that have been averaged to obtain this power level Returns ------- epsilon : float The probability value(s) """ epsilon_1 = stats.chi2.sf(level * n_summed_spectra * n_rebin, 2 * n_summed_spectra * n_rebin) epsilon = p_multitrial_from_single_trial(epsilon_1, ntrial) return epsilon
def pds_logprobability(level, ntrial=1, n_summed_spectra=1, n_rebin=1): r"""Give the probability of a given power level in PDS. Return the probability of a certain power level in a Power Density Spectrum of nbins bins, normalized a la Leahy (1983), based on the 2-dof :math:`{\chi}^2` statistics, corrected for rebinning (n_rebin) and multiple PDS averaging (n_summed_spectra) Parameters ---------- level : float or array of floats The power level for which we are calculating the probability Other Parameters ---------------- ntrial : int The number of *independent* trials (the independent bins of the PDS) n_summed_spectra : int The number of power density spectra that have been averaged to obtain this power level n_rebin : int The number of power density bins that have been averaged to obtain this power level Returns ------- epsilon : float The probability value(s) Examples -------- Let us test that it is always consistent with `pds_probability`. We use relatively small power values, because for large values `pds_probability` underflows. >>> powers = np.random.uniform(2, 40, 10) >>> nrebin = np.random.randint(1, 10, 10) >>> nsummed = np.random.randint(1, 100, 10) >>> ntrial = np.random.randint(1, 10000, 10) >>> logp = pds_logprobability(powers, ntrial, nsummed, nrebin) >>> p = pds_probability(powers, ntrial, nsummed, nrebin) >>> assert np.allclose(p, np.exp(logp)) """ epsilon_1 = chi2_logp(level * n_summed_spectra * n_rebin, 2 * n_summed_spectra * n_rebin) epsilon = _logp_multitrial_from_single_logp(epsilon_1, ntrial) return epsilon
[docs] def pds_detection_level(epsilon=0.01, ntrial=1, n_summed_spectra=1, n_rebin=1): r"""Detection level for a PDS. Return the detection level (with probability 1 - epsilon) for a Power Density Spectrum of nbins bins, normalized a la Leahy (1983), based on the 2-dof :math:`{\chi}^2` statistics, corrected for rebinning (n_rebin) and multiple PDS averaging (n_summed_spectra) Parameters ---------- epsilon : float The single-trial probability value(s) Other Parameters ---------------- ntrial : int The number of *independent* trials (the independent bins of the PDS) n_summed_spectra : int The number of power density spectra that have been averaged to obtain this power level n_rebin : int The number of power density bins that have been averaged to obtain this power level Examples -------- >>> assert np.isclose(pds_detection_level(0.1), 4.6, atol=0.1) >>> assert np.allclose(pds_detection_level(0.1, n_rebin=[1]), [4.6], atol=0.1) """ epsilon = p_single_trial_from_p_multitrial(epsilon, ntrial) epsilon = epsilon.astype(np.double) if isinstance(n_rebin, Iterable): retlev = [ stats.chi2.isf(epsilon, 2 * n_summed_spectra * r) / (n_summed_spectra * r) for r in n_rebin ] retlev = np.array(retlev) else: r = n_rebin retlev = stats.chi2.isf(epsilon, 2 * n_summed_spectra * r) / (n_summed_spectra * r) return retlev
[docs] def classical_pvalue(power, nspec): """ Note: This is stingray's original implementation of the probability distribution for the power spectrum. It is superseded by the implementation in pds_probability for practical purposes, but remains here for backwards compatibility and for its educational value as a clear, explicit implementation of the correct probability distribution. Compute the probability of detecting the current power under the assumption that there is no periodic oscillation in the data. This computes the single-trial p-value that the power was observed under the null hypothesis that there is no signal in the data. Important: the underlying assumptions that make this calculation valid are: 1. the powers in the power spectrum follow a chi-square distribution 2. the power spectrum is normalized according to [Leahy 1983]_, such that the powers have a mean of 2 and a variance of 4 3. there is only white noise in the light curve. That is, there is no aperiodic variability that would change the overall shape of the power spectrum. Also note that the p-value is for a *single trial*, i.e. the power currently being tested. If more than one power or more than one power spectrum are being tested, the resulting p-value must be corrected for the number of trials (Bonferroni correction). Mathematical formulation in [Groth 1975]_. Original implementation in IDL by Anna L. Watts. Parameters ---------- power : float The squared Fourier amplitude of a spectrum to be evaluated nspec : int The number of spectra or frequency bins averaged in ``power``. This matters because averaging spectra or frequency bins increases the signal-to-noise ratio, i.e. makes the statistical distributions of the noise narrower, such that a smaller power might be very significant in averaged spectra even though it would not be in a single power spectrum. Returns ------- pval : float The classical p-value of the observed power being consistent with the null hypothesis of white noise References ---------- * .. [Leahy 1983] * .. [Groth 1975] """ warnings.warn("This function was substituted by pds_probability.", DeprecationWarning) if not np.isfinite(power): raise ValueError("power must be a finite floating point number!") if power < 0: raise ValueError("power must be a positive real number!") if not np.isfinite(nspec): raise ValueError("nspec must be a finite integer number") if nspec < 1: raise ValueError("nspec must be larger or equal to 1") if not np.isclose(nspec % 1, 0): raise ValueError("nspec must be an integer number!") # If the power is really big, it's safe to say it's significant, # and the p-value will be nearly zero if (power * nspec) > 30000: simon("Probability of no signal too minuscule to calculate.") return 0.0 else: pval = _pavnosigfun(power, nspec) return pval
def _pavnosigfun(power, nspec): """ Helper function doing the actual calculation of the p-value. Parameters ---------- power : float The measured candidate power nspec : int The number of power spectral bins that were averaged in `power` (note: can be either through averaging spectra or neighbouring bins) """ sum = 0.0 m = nspec - 1 pn = power * nspec while m >= 0: s = 0.0 for i in range(int(m) - 1): s += np.log(float(m - i)) logterm = m * np.log(pn / 2) - pn / 2 - s term = np.exp(logterm) ratio = sum / term if ratio > 1.0e15: return sum sum += term m -= 1 return sum
[docs] def power_confidence_limits(preal, n=1, c=0.95): """Confidence limits on power, given a (theoretical) signal power. This is to be used when we *expect* a given power (e.g. from the pulsed fraction measured in previous observations) and we want to know the range of values the measured power could take to a given confidence level. Adapted from Vaughan et al. 1994, noting that, after appropriate normalization of the spectral stats, the distribution of powers in the PDS and the Z^2_n searches is always described by a noncentral chi squared distribution. Parameters ---------- preal: float The theoretical signal-generated value of power Other Parameters ---------------- n: int The number of summed powers to obtain the result. It can be multiple harmonics of the PDS, adjacent bins in a PDS summed to collect all the power in a QPO, or the n in Z^2_n c: float The confidence level (e.g. 0.95=95%) Returns ------- pmeas: [float, float] The upper and lower confidence interval (a, 1-a) on the measured power Examples -------- >>> cl = power_confidence_limits(150, c=0.84) >>> assert np.allclose(cl, [127, 176], atol=1) """ rv = stats.ncx2(2 * n, preal) return rv.ppf([1 - c, c])
[docs] def power_upper_limit(pmeas, n=1, c=0.95): """Upper limit on signal power, given a measured power in the PDS/Z search. Adapted from Vaughan et al. 1994, noting that, after appropriate normalization of the spectral stats, the distribution of powers in the PDS and the Z^2_n searches is always described by a noncentral chi squared distribution. Note that Vaughan+94 gives p(pmeas | preal), while we are interested in p(real | pmeas), which is not described by the NCX2 stat. Rather than integrating the CDF of this probability distribution, we start from a reasonable approximation and fit to find the preal that gives pmeas as a (e.g.95%) confidence limit. As Vaughan+94 shows, this power is always larger than the observed one. This is because we are looking for the maximum signal power that, combined with noise powers, would give the observed power. This involves the possibility that noise powers partially cancel out some signal power. Parameters ---------- pmeas: float The measured value of power Other Parameters ---------------- n: int The number of summed powers to obtain pmeas. It can be multiple harmonics of the PDS, adjacent bins in a PDS summed to collect all the power in a QPO, or the n in Z^2_n c: float The confidence value for the probability (e.g. 0.95 = 95%) Returns ------- psig: float The signal power that could produce P>pmeas with 1 - c probability Examples -------- >>> pup = power_upper_limit(40, 1, 0.99) >>> assert np.isclose(pup, 75, atol=2) """ def ppf(x): rv = stats.ncx2(2 * n, x) return rv.ppf(1 - c) def isf(x): rv = stats.ncx2(2 * n, x) return rv.ppf(c) def func_to_minimize(x, xmeas): return np.abs(ppf(x) - xmeas) from scipy.optimize import minimize initial = isf(pmeas) res = minimize(func_to_minimize, [initial], pmeas, bounds=[(0, initial * 2)]) return res.x[0]
[docs] def amplitude_upper_limit(pmeas, counts, n=1, c=0.95, fft_corr=False, nyq_ratio=0): r"""Upper limit on a sinusoidal modulation, given a measured power in the PDS/Z search. Eq. 10 in Vaughan+94 and `a_from_ssig`: they are equivalent but Vaughan+94 corrects further for the response inside an FFT bin and at frequencies close to Nyquist. These two corrections are added by using fft_corr=True and nyq_ratio to the correct :math:`f / f_{Nyq}` of the FFT peak To understand the meaning of this amplitude: if the modulation is described by: ..math:: p = \overline{p} (1 + a * \sin(x)) this function returns a. If it is a sum of sinusoidal harmonics instead ..math:: p = \overline{p} (1 + \sum_l a_l * \sin(lx)) a is equivalent to :math:`\sqrt(\sum_l a_l^2)`. See `power_upper_limit` Parameters ---------- pmeas: float The measured value of power counts: int The number of counts in the light curve used to calculate the spectrum Other Parameters ---------------- n: int The number of summed powers to obtain pmeas. It can be multiple harmonics of the PDS, adjacent bins in a PDS summed to collect all the power in a QPO, or the n in Z^2_n c: float The confidence value for the probability (e.g. 0.95 = 95%) fft_corr: bool Apply a correction for the expected power concentrated in an FFT bin, which is about 0.773 on average (it's 1 at the center of the bin, 2/pi at the bin edge. nyq_ratio: float Ratio of the frequency of this feature with respect to the Nyquist frequency. Important to know when dealing with FFTs, because the FFT response decays between 0 and f_Nyq similarly to the response inside a frequency bin: from 1 at 0 Hz to ~2/pi at f_Nyq Returns ------- a: float The modulation amplitude that could produce P>pmeas with 1 - c probability Examples -------- >>> aup = amplitude_upper_limit(40, 30000, 1, 0.99) >>> aup_nyq = amplitude_upper_limit(40, 30000, 1, 0.99, nyq_ratio=1) >>> assert np.isclose(aup_nyq, aup / (2 / np.pi)) >>> aup_corr = amplitude_upper_limit(40, 30000, 1, 0.99, fft_corr=True) >>> assert np.isclose(aup_corr, aup / np.sqrt(0.773)) """ uplim = power_upper_limit(pmeas, n, c) a = a_from_ssig(uplim, counts) if fft_corr: factor = 1 / np.sqrt(0.773) a *= factor if nyq_ratio > 0: factor = np.pi / 2 * nyq_ratio sinc_factor = np.sin(factor) / factor a /= sinc_factor return a
[docs] def pf_upper_limit(*args, **kwargs): """Upper limit on pulsed fraction, given a measured power in the PDS/Z search. See `power_upper_limit` and `pf_from_ssig`. All arguments are the same as `amplitude_upper_limit` Parameters ---------- pmeas: float The measured value of power counts: int The number of counts in the light curve used to calculate the spectrum Other Parameters ---------------- n: int The number of summed powers to obtain pmeas. It can be multiple harmonics of the PDS, adjacent bins in a PDS summed to collect all the power in a QPO, or the n in Z^2_n c: float The confidence value for the probability (e.g. 0.95 = 95%) fft_corr: bool Apply a correction for the expected power concentrated in an FFT bin, which is about 0.773 on average (it's 1 at the center of the bin, 2/pi at the bin edge. nyq_ratio: float Ratio of the frequency of this feature with respect to the Nyquist frequency. Important to know when dealing with FFTs, because the FFT response decays between 0 and f_Nyq similarly to the response inside a frequency bin: from 1 at 0 Hz to ~2/pi at f_Nyq Returns ------- pf: float The pulsed fraction that could produce P>pmeas with 1 - c probability Examples -------- >>> pfup = pf_upper_limit(40, 30000, 1, 0.99) >>> assert np.isclose(pfup, 0.13, atol=0.01) """ return pf_from_a(amplitude_upper_limit(*args, **kwargs))
[docs] def pf_from_a(a): """Pulsed fraction from fractional amplitude of modulation. If the pulsed profile is defined as p = mean * (1 + a * sin(phase)), we define "pulsed fraction" as 2a/b, where b = mean + a is the maximum and a is the amplitude of the modulation. Hence, pulsed fraction = 2a/(1+a) Examples -------- >>> pf_from_a(1) 1.0 >>> pf_from_a(0) 0.0 """ return 2 * a / (1 + a)
[docs] def a_from_pf(p): """Fractional amplitude of modulation from pulsed fraction If the pulsed profile is defined as p = mean * (1 + a * sin(phase)), we define "pulsed fraction" as 2a/b, where b = mean + a is the maximum and a is the amplitude of the modulation. Hence, a = pf / (2 - pf) Examples -------- >>> a_from_pf(1) 1.0 >>> a_from_pf(0) 0.0 """ return p / (2 - p)
[docs] def ssig_from_a(a, ncounts): """Theoretical power in the Z or PDS search for a sinusoid of amplitude a. From Leahy et al. 1983, given a pulse profile p = lambda * (1 + a * sin(phase)), The theoretical value of Z^2_n is Ncounts / 2 * a^2 Note that if there are multiple sinusoidal components, one can use a = sqrt(sum(a_l)) (Bachetti+2021b) Examples -------- >>> round(ssig_from_a(0.1, 30000), 1) 150.0 """ return ncounts / 2 * a**2
[docs] def a_from_ssig(ssig, ncounts): """Amplitude of a sinusoid corresponding to a given Z/PDS value From Leahy et al. 1983, given a pulse profile p = lambda * (1 + a * sin(phase)), The theoretical value of Z^2_n is Ncounts / 2 * a^2 Note that if there are multiple sinusoidal components, one can use a = sqrt(sum(a_l)) (Bachetti+2021b) Examples -------- >>> assert np.isclose(a_from_ssig(150, 30000), 0.1) """ return np.sqrt(2 * ssig / ncounts)
[docs] def ssig_from_pf(pf, ncounts): """Theoretical power in the Z or PDS for a sinusoid of pulsed fraction pf. See `ssig_from_a` and `a_from_pf` for more details Examples -------- >>> assert round(ssig_from_pf(pf_from_a(0.1), 30000), 1) == 150.0 """ a = a_from_pf(pf) return ncounts / 2 * a**2
[docs] def pf_from_ssig(ssig, ncounts): """Estimate pulsed fraction for a sinusoid from a given Z or PDS power. See `a_from_ssig` and `pf_from_a` for more details Examples -------- >>> assert np.isclose(round(a_from_pf(pf_from_ssig(150, 30000)), 1), 0.1) """ a = a_from_ssig(ssig, ncounts) return pf_from_a(a)