Source code for

import numpy as np
from import Iterable
from .pulsar import ef_profile_stat, pdm_profile_stat
from .pulsar import fold_events, z_n, pulse_phase
from ..utils import jit, HAS_NUMBA
from ..utils import contiguous_regions
from astropy.stats import poisson_conf_interval
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

__all__ = [

def _pulse_phase_fast(time, f, fdot, buffer_array):
    for i in range(len(time)):
        buffer_array[i] = time[i] * f + 0.5 * time[i] ** 2 * fdot
        buffer_array[i] -= np.floor(buffer_array[i])
    return buffer_array

def _folding_search(
    stat_func, times, frequencies, segment_size=np.inf, use_times=False, fdots=0, **kwargs
    fgrid, fdgrid = np.meshgrid(
        np.asanyarray(frequencies).astype(np.float64), np.asanyarray(fdots).astype(np.float64)
    stats = np.zeros_like(fgrid)
    times = (times - times[0]).astype(np.float64)
    length = times[-1]
    if length < segment_size:
        segment_size = length
    start_times = np.arange(times[0], times[-1], segment_size)
    count = 0
    for s in start_times:
        good = (times >= s) & (times < s + segment_size)
        ts = times[good]
        if len(ts) < 1 or ts[-1] - ts[0] < 0.2 * segment_size:
        buffer = np.zeros_like(ts)
        for i in range(stats.shape[0]):
            for j in range(stats.shape[1]):
                f = fgrid[i, j]
                fd = fdgrid[i, j]
                if use_times:
                    kwargs_copy = {}
                    for key in kwargs.keys():
                        if isinstance(kwargs[key], Iterable) and len(kwargs[key]) == len(times):
                            kwargs_copy[key] = kwargs[key][good]
                            kwargs_copy[key] = kwargs[key]
                    stats[i, j] += stat_func(ts, f, fd, **kwargs_copy)
                    phases = _pulse_phase_fast(ts, f, fd, buffer)
                    stats[i, j] += stat_func(phases)
        count += 1

    if fgrid.shape[0] == 1:
        return fgrid.flatten(), stats.flatten() / count
        return fgrid, fdgrid, stats / count

def _bincount_fast(phase):
    return np.bincount(phase)

def _profile_fast(phase, nbin=128):
    phase_bin = np.zeros(len(phase) + 2, dtype=np.int64)
    # This is done to force bincount from 0 to nbin -1
    phase_bin[-1] = nbin - 1
    phase_bin[-2] = 0
    for i in range(len(phase)):
        phase_bin[i] = np.int64(np.floor(phase[i] * nbin))
    bc = _bincount_fast(phase_bin)
    bc[0] -= 1
    bc[-1] -= 1
    return bc

[docs] def search_best_peaks(x, stat, threshold): """Search peaks above threshold in an epoch folding periodogram. If more values of stat are above threshold and are contiguous, only the largest one is returned (see Examples). Parameters ---------- x : array-like The x axis of the periodogram (frequencies, periods, ...) stat : array-like The y axis. It must have the same shape as x threshold : float The threshold value over which we look for peaks in the stat array Returns ------- best_x : array-like the array containing the x position of the peaks above threshold. If no peaks are above threshold, an empty list is returned. The array is sorted by inverse value of stat best_stat : array-like for each best_x, give the corresponding stat value. Empty if no peaks above threshold. Examples -------- >>> # Test multiple peaks >>> x = np.arange(10) >>> stat = [0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0] >>> best_x, best_stat = search_best_peaks(x, stat, 0.5) >>> len(best_x) 2 >>> assert np.isclose(best_x[0], 7.0) >>> assert np.isclose(best_x[1], 2.0) >>> stat = [0, 0, 2.5, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0] >>> best_x, best_stat = search_best_peaks(x, stat, 0.5) >>> assert np.isclose(best_x[0], 2.0) >>> # Test no peak above threshold >>> x = np.arange(10) >>> stat = [0, 0, 0.4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] >>> best_x, best_stat = search_best_peaks(x, stat, 0.5) >>> best_x [] >>> best_stat [] """ stat = np.asanyarray(stat) x = np.asanyarray(x) peaks = stat >= threshold regions = contiguous_regions(peaks) if len(regions) == 0: return [], [] best_x = np.zeros(len(regions)) best_stat = np.zeros(len(regions)) for i, r in enumerate(regions): stat_filt = stat[r[0] : r[1]] x_filt = x[r[0] : r[1]] max_arg = np.argmax(stat_filt) best_stat[i] = stat_filt[max_arg] best_x[i] = x_filt[max_arg] order = np.argsort(best_stat)[::-1] return best_x[order], best_stat[order]
[docs] def plot_profile(phase, profile, err=None, ax=None): """Plot a pulse profile showing some stats. If err is None, the profile is assumed in counts and the Poisson confidence level is plotted. Otherwise, err is shown as error bars Parameters ---------- phase : array-like The bins on the x-axis profile : array-like The pulsed profile Other Parameters ---------------- ax : `matplotlib.pyplot.axis` instance Axis to plot to. If None, create a new one. Returns ------- ax : `matplotlib.pyplot.axis` instance Axis where the profile was plotted. """ if ax is None: plt.figure("Pulse profile") ax = plt.subplot() mean = np.mean(profile) if np.all(phase < 1.5): phase = np.concatenate((phase, phase + 1)) profile = np.concatenate((profile, profile)) ax.plot(phase, profile, drawstyle="steps-mid") if err is None: err_low, err_high = poisson_conf_interval(mean, interval="frequentist-confidence", sigma=1) ax.axhspan(err_low, err_high, alpha=0.5) else: err = np.concatenate((err, err)) ax.errorbar(phase, profile, yerr=err, fmt="none") ax.set_ylabel("Counts") ax.set_xlabel("Phase") return ax
[docs] def plot_phaseogram(phaseogram, phase_bins, time_bins, unit_str="s", ax=None, **plot_kwargs): """Plot a phaseogram. Parameters ---------- phaseogram : NxM array The phaseogram to be plotted phase_bins : array of M + 1 elements The bins on the x-axis time_bins : array of N + 1 elements The bins on the y-axis Other Parameters ---------------- unit_str : str String indicating the time unit (e.g. 's', 'MJD', etc) ax : `matplotlib.pyplot.axis` instance Axis to plot to. If None, create a new one. plot_kwargs : dict Additional arguments to be passed to pcolormesh Returns ------- ax : `matplotlib.pyplot.axis` instance Axis where the phaseogram was plotted. """ if ax is None: plt.figure("Phaseogram") ax = plt.subplot() ax.pcolormesh(phase_bins, time_bins, phaseogram.T, **plot_kwargs) ax.set_ylabel("Time ({})".format(unit_str)) ax.set_xlabel("Phase") ax.set_xlim([0, np.max(phase_bins)]) ax.set_ylim([np.min(time_bins), np.max(time_bins)]) return ax
[docs] def phaseogram( times, f, nph=128, nt=32, ph0=0, mjdref=None, fdot=0, fddot=0, pepoch=None, plot=False, phaseogram_ax=None, weights=None, **plot_kwargs ): """ Calculate and plot the phaseogram of a pulsar observation. The phaseogram is a 2-D histogram where the x axis is the pulse phase and the y axis is the time. It shows how the pulse phase changes with time, and it is very useful to see if the pulse solution is correct and/or if there are additional frequency derivatives appearing in the data (due to spin up or down, or even orbital motion) Parameters ---------- times : array Event arrival times f : float Pulse frequency Other parameters ---------------- nph : int Number of phase bins nt : int Number of time bins ph0 : float The starting phase of the pulse mjdref : float MJD reference time. If given, the y axis of the plot will be in MJDs, otherwise it will be in seconds. fdot : float First frequency derivative fddot : float Second frequency derivative pepoch : float If the input pulse solution is referred to a given time, give it here. It has no effect (just a phase shift of the pulse) if `fdot` is zero. if `mjdref` is specified, pepoch MUST be in MJD weights : array Weight for each time plot : bool Return the axes in the additional_info, and don't close the plot, so that the user can add information to it. Returns ------- phaseogr : 2-D matrix The phaseogram phases : array-like The x axis of the phaseogram (the x bins of the histogram), corresponding to the pulse phase in each column times : array-like The y axis of the phaseogram (the y bins of the histogram), corresponding to the time at each row additional_info : dict Additional information, like the pulse profile and the axes to modify the plot (the latter, only if `return_plot` is True) """ use_mjdref = False if mjdref is not None: use_mjdref = True if pepoch is None: pepoch = (times[-1] + times[0]) / 2 if use_mjdref: pepoch /= 86400 plot_unit = "s" if use_mjdref: pepoch = (pepoch - mjdref) * 86400 plot_unit = "MJD" phases = pulse_phase((times - pepoch), f, fdot, fddot, to_1=True, ph0=ph0) allphases = np.concatenate([phases, phases + 1]).astype("float64") allts = np.concatenate([times, times]).astype("float64") if weights is not None and isinstance(weights, Iterable): if len(weights) != len(times): raise ValueError("The length of weights must match the length of " "times") weights = np.concatenate([weights, weights]).astype("float64") if use_mjdref: allts = allts / 86400 + mjdref phas, binx, biny = np.histogram2d( allphases, allts, bins=(np.linspace(0, 2, nph * 2 + 1), np.linspace(np.min(allts), np.max(allts), nt + 1)), weights=weights, ) if plot: phaseogram_ax = plot_phaseogram( phas, binx, biny, ax=phaseogram_ax, unit_str=plot_unit, **plot_kwargs ) additional_info = {"ax": phaseogram_ax} else: additional_info = {} return phas, binx, biny, additional_info