Source code for stingray.pulse.modeling

import numpy as np
from astropy.modeling import models, fitting

__all__ = ["sinc_square_model", "sinc_square_deriv", "fit_sinc", "fit_gaussian", "SincSquareModel"]

def sinc(x):
    Calculate a sinc function.


    x : array-like

    values : array-like
    values = np.sinc(x / np.pi)
    return values

[docs] def sinc_square_model(x, amplitude=1.0, mean=0.0, width=1.0): """ Calculate a sinc-squared function. (sin(x)/x)**2 Parameters ---------- x: array-like Other Parameters ---------------- amplitude : float the value for x=mean mean : float mean of the sinc function width : float width of the sinc function Returns ------- sqvalues : array-like Return square of sinc function Examples -------- >>> assert np.isclose(sinc_square_model(0, amplitude=2.), 2.0) """ sqvalues = amplitude * sinc((x - mean) / width) ** 2 return sqvalues
[docs] def sinc_square_deriv(x, amplitude=1.0, mean=0.0, width=1.0): """ Calculate partial derivatives of sinc-squared. Parameters ---------- x: array-like Other Parameters ---------------- amplitude : float the value for x=mean mean : float mean of the sinc function width : float width of the sinc function Returns ------- d_amplitude : array-like partial derivative of sinc-squared function with respect to the amplitude d_mean : array-like partial derivative of sinc-squared function with respect to the mean d_width : array-like partial derivative of sinc-squared function with respect to the width Examples -------- >>> assert np.allclose(sinc_square_deriv(0, amplitude=2.), [1., 0., 0.]) """ x_is_zero = x == mean d_x = ( 2 * amplitude * sinc((x - mean) / width) * (x * np.cos((x - mean) / width) - np.sin((x - mean) / width)) / ((x - mean) / width) ** 2 ) d_x = np.asanyarray(d_x) d_amplitude = sinc((x - mean) / width) ** 2 d_x[x_is_zero] = 0 d_mean = d_x * (-1 / width) d_width = d_x * (-(x - mean) / (width) ** 2) return [d_amplitude, d_mean, d_width]
_SincSquareModel = models.custom_model(sinc_square_model, fit_deriv=sinc_square_deriv)
[docs] class SincSquareModel(_SincSquareModel): def __reduce__(cls): members = dict(cls.__dict__) return (type(cls), (), members)
[docs] def fit_sinc(x, y, amp=1.5, mean=0.0, width=1.0, tied={}, fixed={}, bounds={}, obs_length=None): """ Fit a sinc function to x,y values. Parameters ---------- x : array-like y : array-like Other Parameters ---------------- amp : float The initial value for the amplitude mean : float The initial value for the mean of the sinc obs_length : float The length of the observation. Default None. If it's defined, it fixes width to 1/(pi*obs_length), as expected from epoch folding periodograms width : float The initial value for the width of the sinc. Only valid if obs_length is 0 tied : dict fixed : dict bounds : dict Parameters to be passed to the [astropy models]_ Returns ------- sincfit : function The best-fit function, accepting x as input and returning the best-fit model as output References ---------- .. [astropy models] """ if obs_length is not None: width = 1 / (np.pi * obs_length) fixed["width"] = True sinc_in = SincSquareModel( amplitude=amp, mean=mean, width=width, tied=tied, fixed=fixed, bounds=bounds ) fit_s = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() sincfit = fit_s(sinc_in, x, y) return sincfit
[docs] def fit_gaussian(x, y, amplitude=1.5, mean=0.0, stddev=2.0, tied={}, fixed={}, bounds={}): """ Fit a gaussian function to x,y values. Parameters ---------- x : array-like y : array-like Other Parameters ---------------- amplitude : float The initial value for the amplitude mean : float The initial value for the mean of the gaussian function stddev : float The initial value for the standard deviation of the gaussian function tied : dict fixed : dict bounds : dict Parameters to be passed to the [astropy models]_ Returns ------- g : function The best-fit function, accepting x as input and returning the best-fit model as output """ g_in = models.Gaussian1D( amplitude=amplitude, mean=mean, stddev=stddev, tied=tied, fixed=fixed, bounds=bounds ) fit_g = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() g = fit_g(g_in, x, y) return g