Source code for

import math
import copy
import os
import sys
import traceback
import warnings
from import Iterable

import numpy as np
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.logger import AstropyUserWarning
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import fits as pf

import stingray.utils as utils
from stingray.loggingconfig import setup_logger

from .utils import assign_value_if_none, is_string, order_list_of_arrays, is_sorted
from .gti import get_gti_from_all_extensions, load_gtis

# Python 3
import pickle


    import h5py
except ImportError:
    _H5PY_INSTALLED = False

HAS_128 = True
except AttributeError:  # pragma: no cover
    HAS_128 = False

logger = setup_logger()

[docs] def read_rmf(rmf_file): """Load RMF info. .. note:: Preliminary: only EBOUNDS are read. Parameters ---------- rmf_file : str The rmf file used to read the calibration. Returns ------- pis : array-like the PI channels e_mins : array-like the lower energy bound of each PI channel e_maxs : array-like the upper energy bound of each PI channel """ with, checksum=True, memmap=False) as lchdulist: lchdulist.verify("warn") lctable = lchdulist["EBOUNDS"].data pis = np.array(lctable.field("CHANNEL")) e_mins = np.array(lctable.field("E_MIN")) e_maxs = np.array(lctable.field("E_MAX")) return pis, e_mins, e_maxs
[docs] def pi_to_energy(pis, rmf_file): """Read the energy channels corresponding to the given PI channels. Parameters ---------- pis : array-like The channels to lookup in the rmf Other Parameters ---------------- rmf_file : str The rmf file used to read the calibration. """ calp, cal_emin, cal_emax = read_rmf(rmf_file) es = np.zeros(len(pis), dtype=float) for ic, c in enumerate(calp): good = pis == c if not np.any(good): continue es[good] = (cal_emin[ic] + cal_emax[ic]) / 2 return es
[docs] def rough_calibration(pis, mission): """Make a rough conversion between PI channel and energy. Only works for NICER, NuSTAR, IXPE, and XMM. Parameters ---------- pis: float or array of floats PI channels in data mission: str Mission name Returns ------- energies : float or array of floats Energy values Examples -------- >>> rough_calibration(0, 'nustar') 1.6 >>> rough_calibration(0.0, 'ixpe') 0.0 >>> # It's case-insensitive >>> rough_calibration(1200, 'XMm') 1.2 >>> rough_calibration(10, 'asDf') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Mission asdf not recognized >>> rough_calibration(100, 'nicer') 1.0 """ if mission.lower() == "nustar": return pis * 0.04 + 1.6 elif mission.lower() == "xmm": return pis * 0.001 elif mission.lower() == "nicer": return pis * 0.01 elif mission.lower() == "ixpe": return pis / 375 * 15 raise ValueError(f"Mission {mission.lower()} not recognized")
[docs] def get_file_extension(fname): """Get the extension from the file name. If g-zipped, add '.gz' to extension. Examples -------- >>> get_file_extension('ciao.tar') '.tar' >>> get_file_extension('ciao.tar.gz') '.tar.gz' >>> get_file_extension('ciao.evt.gz') '.evt.gz' >>> get_file_extension('ciao.a.tutti.evt.gz') '.evt.gz' """ fname_root = fname.replace(".gz", "") fname_root = os.path.splitext(fname_root)[0] return fname.replace(fname_root, "")
[docs] def high_precision_keyword_read(hdr, keyword): """Read FITS header keywords, also if split in two. In the case where the keyword is split in two, like MJDREF = MJDREFI + MJDREFF in some missions, this function returns the summed value. Otherwise, the content of the single keyword Parameters ---------- hdr : dict_like The FITS header structure, or a dictionary keyword : str The key to read in the header Returns ------- value : long double The value of the key, or ``None`` if something went wrong """ try: value = np.longdouble(hdr[keyword]) return value except KeyError: pass try: if len(keyword) == 8: keyword = keyword[:7] value = np.longdouble(hdr[keyword + "I"]) value += np.longdouble(hdr[keyword + "F"]) return value except KeyError: return None
def _patch_mission_info(info, mission=None): """Add some information that is surely missing in xselect.mdb. Examples -------- >>> info = {'gti': 'STDGTI'} >>> new_info = _patch_mission_info(info, mission=None) >>> assert new_info['gti'] == info['gti'] >>> new_info = _patch_mission_info(info, mission="xmm") >>> new_info['gti'] 'STDGTI,GTI0' """ if mission is None: return info if mission.lower() == "xmm" and "gti" in info: info["gti"] += ",GTI0" return info
[docs] def read_mission_info(mission=None): """Search the relevant information about a mission in xselect.mdb.""" curdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) fname = os.path.join(curdir, "datasets", "xselect.mdb") # If HEADAS is defined, search for the most up-to-date version of the # mission database if os.getenv("HEADAS"): hea_fname = os.path.join(os.getenv("HEADAS"), "bin", "xselect.mdb") if os.path.exists(hea_fname): fname = hea_fname if mission is not None: mission = mission.lower() db = {} with open(fname) as fobj: for line in fobj.readlines(): line = line.strip() if mission is not None and not line.lower().startswith(mission): continue if line.startswith("!") or line == "": continue allvals = line.split() string = allvals[0] value = allvals[1:] if len(value) == 1: value = value[0] data = string.split(":")[:] if mission is None: if data[0] not in db: db[data[0]] = {} previous_db_step = db[data[0]] else: previous_db_step = db data = data[1:] for key in data[:-1]: if key not in previous_db_step: previous_db_step[key] = {} previous_db_step = previous_db_step[key] previous_db_step[data[-1]] = value return _patch_mission_info(db, mission)
def _case_insensitive_search_in_list(string, list_of_strings): """Search for a string in a list of strings, in a case-insensitive way. Example ------- >>> _case_insensitive_search_in_list("a", ["A", "b"]) 'A' >>> assert _case_insensitive_search_in_list("a", ["c", "b"]) is None """ for s in list_of_strings: if string.lower() == s.lower(): return s return None def _get_additional_data(lctable, additional_columns, warn_if_missing=True): """Get additional data from a FITS data table. Parameters ---------- lctable: `` Data table additional_columns: list of str List of column names to retrieve from the table Other parameters ---------------- warn_if_missing: bool, default True Warn if a column is not found Returns ------- additional_data: dict Dictionary associating to each additional column the content of the table. """ additional_data = {} if additional_columns is not None: for a in additional_columns: key = _case_insensitive_search_in_list(a, lctable._coldefs.names) if key is not None: additional_data[a] = np.array(lctable.field(key)) else: if warn_if_missing: warnings.warn("Column " + a + " not found") additional_data[a] = np.zeros(len(lctable)) return additional_data
[docs] def get_key_from_mission_info(info, key, default, inst=None, mode=None): """Get the name of a header key or table column from the mission database. Many entries in the mission database have default values that can be altered for specific instruments or observing modes. Here, if there is a definition for a given instrument and mode, we take that, otherwise we use the default). Parameters ---------- info : dict Nested dictionary containing all the information for a given mission. It can be nested, e.g. contain some info for a given instrument, and for each observing mode of that instrument. key : str The key to read from the info dictionary default : object The default value. It can be of any type, depending on the expected type for the entry. Other parameters ---------------- inst : str Instrument mode : str Observing mode Returns ------- retval : object The wanted entry from the info dictionary Examples -------- >>> info = {'ecol': 'PI', "A": {"ecol": "BLA"}, "C": {"M1": {"ecol": "X"}}} >>> get_key_from_mission_info(info, "ecol", "BU", inst="A", mode=None) 'BLA' >>> get_key_from_mission_info(info, "ecol", "BU", inst="B", mode=None) 'PI' >>> get_key_from_mission_info(info, "ecol", "BU", inst="A", mode="M1") 'BLA' >>> get_key_from_mission_info(info, "ecol", "BU", inst="C", mode="M1") 'X' >>> get_key_from_mission_info(info, "ghghg", "BU", inst="C", mode="M1") 'BU' """ filt_info = copy.deepcopy(info) if inst is not None and inst in filt_info: filt_info.update(info[inst]) filt_info.pop(inst) if mode is not None and mode in filt_info: filt_info.update(info[inst][mode]) filt_info.pop(mode) if key in filt_info: return filt_info[key] return default
[docs] def lcurve_from_fits( fits_file, gtistring="GTI", timecolumn="TIME", ratecolumn=None, ratehdu=1, fracexp_limit=0.9, outfile=None, noclobber=False, outdir=None, ): """Load a lightcurve from a fits file. .. note :: FITS light curve handling is still under testing. Absolute times might be incorrect depending on the light curve format. Parameters ---------- fits_file : str File name of the input light curve in FITS format Returns ------- data : dict Dictionary containing all information needed to create a :class:`stingray.Lightcurve` object Other Parameters ---------------- gtistring : str Name of the GTI extension in the FITS file timecolumn : str Name of the column containing times in the FITS file ratecolumn : str Name of the column containing rates in the FITS file ratehdu : str or int Name or index of the FITS extension containing the light curve fracexp_limit : float Minimum exposure fraction allowed noclobber : bool If True, do not overwrite existing files """ warnings.warn( """WARNING! FITS light curve handling is still under testing. Absolute times might be incorrect.""" ) # TODO: # treat consistently TDB, UTC, TAI, etc. This requires some documentation # reading. For now, we assume TDB from import fits as pf from astropy.time import Time import numpy as np from stingray.gti import create_gti_from_condition lchdulist = lctable = lchdulist[ratehdu].data # Units of header keywords tunit = lchdulist[ratehdu].header["TIMEUNIT"] try: mjdref = high_precision_keyword_read(lchdulist[ratehdu].header, "MJDREF") mjdref = Time(mjdref, scale="tdb", format="mjd") except Exception: mjdref = None try: instr = lchdulist[ratehdu].header["INSTRUME"] except Exception: instr = "EXTERN" # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Trying to comply with all different formats of fits light curves. # It's a madness... try: tstart = high_precision_keyword_read(lchdulist[ratehdu].header, "TSTART") tstop = high_precision_keyword_read(lchdulist[ratehdu].header, "TSTOP") except Exception: # pragma: no cover raise (Exception("TSTART and TSTOP need to be specified")) # For nulccorr lcs this would work timezero = high_precision_keyword_read(lchdulist[ratehdu].header, "TIMEZERO") # Sometimes timezero is "from tstart", sometimes it's an absolute time. # This tries to detect which case is this, and always consider it # referred to tstart timezero = assign_value_if_none(timezero, 0) # for lcurve light curves this should instead work if tunit == "d": # TODO: # Check this. For now, I assume TD (JD - 2440000.5). # This is likely wrong timezero = Time(2440000.5 + timezero, scale="tdb", format="jd") tstart = Time(2440000.5 + tstart, scale="tdb", format="jd") tstop = Time(2440000.5 + tstop, scale="tdb", format="jd") # if None, use NuSTAR default MJDREF mjdref = assign_value_if_none( mjdref, Time(np.longdouble("55197.00076601852"), scale="tdb", format="mjd"), ) timezero = (timezero - mjdref).to("s").value tstart = (tstart - mjdref).to("s").value tstop = (tstop - mjdref).to("s").value if timezero > tstart: timezero -= tstart time = np.array(lctable.field(timecolumn), dtype=np.longdouble) if time[-1] < tstart: time += timezero + tstart else: time += timezero try: dt = high_precision_keyword_read(lchdulist[ratehdu].header, "TIMEDEL") if tunit == "d": dt *= 86400 except Exception: warnings.warn( "Assuming that TIMEDEL is the median difference between the" " light curve times", AstropyUserWarning, ) # Avoid NaNs good = time == time dt = np.median(np.diff(time[good])) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- if ratecolumn is None: for name in ["RATE", "RATE1", "COUNTS"]: if name in lctable.names: ratecolumn = name break else: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("None of the accepted rate columns were found in the file") rate = np.array(lctable.field(ratecolumn), dtype=float) errorcolumn = "ERROR" if ratecolumn == "RATE1": errorcolumn = "ERROR1" try: rate_e = np.array(lctable.field(errorcolumn), dtype=np.longdouble) except Exception: rate_e = np.zeros_like(rate) if "RATE" in ratecolumn: rate *= dt rate_e *= dt try: fracexp = np.array(lctable.field("FRACEXP"), dtype=np.longdouble) except Exception: fracexp = np.ones_like(rate) good_intervals = (rate == rate) * (fracexp >= fracexp_limit) rate[good_intervals] /= fracexp[good_intervals] rate_e[good_intervals] /= fracexp[good_intervals] rate[~good_intervals] = 0 try: gtitable = lchdulist[gtistring].data gti_list = np.array( [[a, b] for a, b in zip(gtitable.field("START"), gtitable.field("STOP"))], dtype=np.longdouble, ) except Exception: gti_list = create_gti_from_condition(time, good_intervals) lchdulist.close() res = { "time": time, "counts": rate, "err": rate_e, "gti": gti_list, "mjdref": mjdref.mjd, "dt": dt, "instr": instr, "header": lchdulist[ratehdu].header.tostring(), } return res
[docs] def load_events_and_gtis( fits_file, additional_columns=None, gtistring=None, gti_file=None, hduname=None, column=None, ): """Load event lists and GTIs from one or more files. Loads event list from HDU EVENTS of file fits_file, with Good Time intervals. Optionally, returns additional columns of data from the same HDU of the events. Parameters ---------- fits_file : str Other parameters ---------------- additional_columns: list of str, optional A list of keys corresponding to the additional columns to extract from the event HDU (ex.: ['PI', 'X']) gtistring : str Comma-separated list of accepted GTI extensions (default GTI,STDGTI), with or without appended integer number denoting the detector gti_file : str, default None External GTI file hduname : str or int, default 1 Name of the HDU containing the event list column : str, default None The column containing the time values. If None, we use the name specified in the mission database, and if there is nothing there, "TIME" return_limits: bool, optional Return the TSTART and TSTOP keyword values Returns ------- retvals : Object with the following attributes: ev_list : array-like Event times in Mission Epoch Time gti_list: [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...] GTIs in Mission Epoch Time additional_data: dict A dictionary, where each key is the one specified in additional_colums. The data are an array with the values of the specified column in the fits file. t_start : float Start time in Mission Epoch Time t_stop : float Stop time in Mission Epoch Time pi_list : array-like Raw Instrument energy channels cal_pi_list : array-like Calibrated PI channels (those that can be easily converted to energy values, regardless of the instrument setup.) energy_list : array-like Energy of each photon in keV (only for NuSTAR, NICER, XMM) instr : str Name of the instrument (e.g. EPIC-pn or FPMA) mission : str Name of the instrument (e.g. XMM or NuSTAR) mjdref : float MJD reference time for the mission header : str Full header of the FITS file, for debugging purposes detector_id : array-like, int Detector id for each photon (e.g. each of the CCDs composing XMM's or Chandra's instruments) """ from import fits as pf hdulist = probe_header = hdulist[0].header # Let's look for TELESCOP here. This is the most common keyword to be # found in well-behaved headers. If it is not in header 0, I take this key # and the remaining information from header 1. if "TELESCOP" not in probe_header: probe_header = hdulist[1].header mission_key = "MISSION" if mission_key not in probe_header: mission_key = "TELESCOP" mission = probe_header[mission_key].lower() db = read_mission_info(mission) instkey = get_key_from_mission_info(db, "instkey", "INSTRUME") instr = mode = None if instkey in probe_header: instr = probe_header[instkey].strip() modekey = get_key_from_mission_info(db, "dmodekey", None, instr) if modekey is not None and modekey in probe_header: mode = probe_header[modekey].strip() if gtistring is None: gtistring = get_key_from_mission_info(db, "gti", "GTI,STDGTI", instr, mode) if hduname is None: hduname = get_key_from_mission_info(db, "events", "EVENTS", instr, mode) if hduname not in hdulist: warnings.warn(f"HDU {hduname} not found. Trying first extension") hduname = 1 datatable = hdulist[hduname].data header = hdulist[hduname].header ephem = timeref = timesys = None if "PLEPHEM" in header: # For the rare cases where this is a number, e.g. 200, I add `str` # It's supposed to be a string. ephem = str(header["PLEPHEM"]).strip().lstrip("JPL-").lower() if "TIMEREF" in header: timeref = header["TIMEREF"].strip().lower() if "TIMESYS" in header: timesys = header["TIMESYS"].strip().lower() if column is None: column = get_key_from_mission_info(db, "time", "TIME", instr, mode) ev_list = np.array(datatable.field(column), dtype=np.longdouble) detector_id = None ckey = get_key_from_mission_info(db, "ccol", "NONE", instr, mode) if ckey != "NONE" and ckey in datatable.columns.names: detector_id = datatable.field(ckey) det_number = None if detector_id is None else list(set(detector_id)) timezero = np.longdouble(0.0) if "TIMEZERO" in header: timezero = np.longdouble(header["TIMEZERO"]) ev_list += timezero t_start = ev_list[0] t_stop = ev_list[-1] if "TSTART" in header: t_start = np.longdouble(header["TSTART"]) if "TSTOP" in header: t_stop = np.longdouble(header["TSTOP"]) mjdref = np.longdouble(high_precision_keyword_read(header, "MJDREF")) # Read and handle GTI extension accepted_gtistrings = gtistring.split(",") if gti_file is None: # Select first GTI with accepted name try: gti_list = get_gti_from_all_extensions( hdulist, accepted_gtistrings=accepted_gtistrings, det_numbers=det_number, ) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover warnings.warn( ( f"No valid GTI extensions found. \nError: {str(e)}\n" "GTIs will be set to the entire time series." ), AstropyUserWarning, ) gti_list = np.array([[t_start, t_stop]], dtype=np.longdouble) else: gti_list = load_gtis(gti_file, gtistring) pi_col = get_key_from_mission_info(db, "ecol", "PI", instr, mode) if additional_columns is None: additional_columns = [pi_col] if pi_col not in additional_columns: additional_columns.append(pi_col) # If data were already calibrated, use this! additional_data = _get_additional_data(datatable, additional_columns) if "energy" not in additional_columns: additional_data.update(_get_additional_data(datatable, ["energy"], warn_if_missing=False)) del additional_columns hdulist.close() # Sort event list if not is_sorted(ev_list): warnings.warn("Warning: input data are not sorted. Sorting them for you.") order = np.argsort(ev_list) ev_list = ev_list[order] if detector_id is not None: detector_id = detector_id[order] additional_data = order_list_of_arrays(additional_data, order) pi = additional_data[pi_col].astype(np.float32) cal_pi = pi # EventReadOutput() is an empty class. We will assign a number of attributes to # it, like the arrival times of photons, the energies, and some information # from the header. returns = EventReadOutput() returns.ev_list = ev_list returns.gti_list = gti_list returns.pi_list = pi returns.cal_pi_list = cal_pi if "energy" in additional_data and np.any(additional_data["energy"] > 0.0): returns.energy_list = additional_data["energy"] else: try: returns.energy_list = rough_calibration(cal_pi, mission) f"A default calibration was applied to the {mission} data. " "See io.rough_calibration for details. " "Use the `rmf_file` argument in ``, or calibrate with " "`EventList.convert_pi_to_energy(rmf_file)`, if you want to apply a specific " "response matrix" ) except ValueError: returns.energy_list = None returns.instr = instr.lower() returns.mission = mission.lower() returns.mjdref = mjdref returns.header = header.tostring() returns.additional_data = additional_data returns.t_start = t_start returns.t_stop = t_stop returns.detector_id = detector_id returns.ephem = ephem returns.timeref = timeref returns.timesys = timesys return returns
class EventReadOutput: def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def mkdir_p(path): # pragma: no cover """Safe ``mkdir`` function Parameters ---------- path : str The absolute path to the directory to be created """ import os os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
[docs] def read_header_key(fits_file, key, hdu=1): """Read the header key key from HDU hdu of the file ``fits_file``. Parameters ---------- fits_file: str The file name and absolute path to the event file. key: str The keyword to be read Other Parameters ---------------- hdu : int Index of the HDU extension from which the header key to be read. Returns ------- value : object The value stored under ``key`` in ``fits_file`` """ hdulist =, ignore_missing_end=True) try: value = hdulist[hdu].header[key] except KeyError: # pragma: no cover value = "" hdulist.close() return value
[docs] def ref_mjd(fits_file, hdu=1): """Read ``MJDREFF``, ``MJDREFI`` or, if failed, ``MJDREF``, from the FITS header. Parameters ---------- fits_file : str The file name and absolute path to the event file. Other Parameters ---------------- hdu : int Index of the HDU extension from which the header key to be read. Returns ------- mjdref : numpy.longdouble the reference MJD """ if isinstance(fits_file, Iterable) and not is_string(fits_file): # pragma: no cover fits_file = fits_file[0]"opening %s" % fits_file) hdulist =, ignore_missing_end=True) ref_mjd_val = high_precision_keyword_read(hdulist[hdu].header, "MJDREF") hdulist.close() return ref_mjd_val
[docs] def common_name(str1, str2, default="common"): """Strip two strings of the letters not in common. Filenames must be of same length and only differ by a few letters. Parameters ---------- str1 : str str2 : str Other Parameters ---------------- default : str The string to return if ``common_str`` is empty Returns ------- common_str : str A string containing the parts of the two names in common """ if not len(str1) == len(str2): return default common_str = "" # Extract the MP root of the name (in case they're event files) for i, letter in enumerate(str1): if str2[i] == letter: common_str += letter # Remove leading and trailing underscores and dashes common_str = common_str.rstrip("_").rstrip("-") common_str = common_str.lstrip("_").lstrip("-") if common_str == "": common_str = default logger.debug("common_name: %s %s -> %s" % (str1, str2, common_str)) return common_str
[docs] def split_numbers(number, shift=0): """ Split high precision number(s) into doubles. You can specify the number of shifts to move the decimal point. Parameters ---------- number: long double The input high precision number which is to be split Other parameters ---------------- shift: integer Move the cut by `shift` decimal points to the right (left if negative) Returns ------- number_I: double First part of high precision number number_F: double Second part of high precision number Examples -------- >>> n = 12.34 >>> i, f = split_numbers(n) >>> assert i == 12 >>> assert np.isclose(f, 0.34) >>> assert np.allclose(split_numbers(n, 2), (12.34, 0.0)) >>> assert np.allclose(split_numbers(n, -1), (10.0, 2.34)) """ if isinstance(number, Iterable): number = np.asarray(number) number *= 10**shift mods = [math.modf(n) for n in number] number_F = [f for f, _ in mods] number_I = [i for _, i in mods] else: number *= 10**shift number_F, number_I = math.modf(number) return np.double(number_I) / 10**shift, np.double(number_F) / 10**shift
[docs] def savefig(filename, **kwargs): """ Save a figure plotted by ``matplotlib``. Note : This function is supposed to be used after the ``plot`` function. Otherwise it will save a blank image with no plot. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the image file. Extension must be specified in the file name. For example filename with `.png` extension will give a rasterized image while ``.pdf`` extension will give a vectorized output. kwargs : keyword arguments Keyword arguments to be passed to ``savefig`` function of ``matplotlib.pyplot``. For example use `bbox_inches='tight'` to remove the undesirable whitespace around the image. """ if not plt.fignum_exists(1): utils.simon( "use ``plot`` function to plot the image first and " "then use ``savefig`` to save the figure." ) plt.savefig(filename, **kwargs)
def _can_save_longdouble(probe_file: str, fmt: str) -> bool: """Check if a given file format can save tables with longdoubles. Try to save a table with a longdouble column, and if it doesn't work, catch the exception. If the exception is related to longdouble, return False (otherwise just raise it, this would mean there are larger problems that need to be solved). In this case, also warn that probably part of the data will not be saved. If no exception is raised, return True. Parameters ---------- probe_file : str The name of the file to be used for probing fmt : str The format to be used for probing, in the ``format`` argument of ``Table.write`` Returns ------- yes_it_can : bool Whether the format can serialize the metadata """ if not HAS_128: # pragma: no cover # There are no known issues with saving longdoubles where numpy.float128 is not defined return True try: Table({"a": np.arange(0, 3, 1.212314).astype(np.float128)}).write( probe_file, format=fmt, overwrite=True ) yes_it_can = True os.unlink(probe_file) except ValueError as e: if "float128" not in str(e): # pragma: no cover raise warnings.warn( f"{fmt} output does not allow saving metadata at maximum precision. " "Converting to lower precision" ) yes_it_can = False return yes_it_can def _can_serialize_meta(probe_file: str, fmt: str) -> bool: """ Try to save a table with meta to be serialized, and if it doesn't work, catch the exception. If the exception is related to serialization, return False (otherwise just raise it, this would mean there are larger problems that need to be solved). In this case, also warn that probably part of the data will not be saved. If no exception is raised, return True. Parameters ---------- probe_file : str The name of the file to be used for probing fmt : str The format to be used for probing, in the ``format`` argument of ``Table.write`` Returns ------- yes_it_can : bool Whether the format can serialize the metadata """ try: Table({"a": [3]}).write(probe_file, overwrite=True, format=fmt, serialize_meta=True) os.unlink(probe_file) yes_it_can = True except TypeError as e: if "serialize_meta" not in str(e): # pragma: no cover raise warnings.warn( f"{fmt} output does not serialize the metadata at the moment. " "Some attributes will be lost." ) yes_it_can = False return yes_it_can