Source code for stingray.deadtime.model

import warnings
from stingray.utils import njit, prange

from stingray.loggingconfig import setup_logger

from import Iterable
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.special import factorial
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

logger = setup_logger()

__INVERSE_FACTORIALS = 1.0 / factorial(np.arange(MAX_FACTORIAL))
PRECISION = np.finfo(float).precision
TWOPI = np.pi * 2

STERLING_PARAMETERS = np.array([1 / 12, 1 / 288, -139 / 51840, -571 / 2488320])

__all__ = [

def _stirling_factor(m):
    """First few terms of series expansion appearing in Stirling's approximation."""
    fact = 1.0
    power = 1.0
    for i in range(1, 5):
        power *= m
        fact += STERLING_PARAMETERS[i - 1] / power
    return fact

def e_m_x_x_over_factorial(x: float, m: int):
    r"""Approximate the large number ratio in Eq. 34.

    The original formula for :math:`G_n` (eq. 34 in Zhang+95) has factors of the kind
    :math:`e^{-x} x^l / l!`. This is the product of very large numbers, that mostly
    balance each other. In this function, we approximate this product for large :math:`l`
    starting from Stirling's approximation for the factorial:

    .. math::

       l! \approx \sqrt{2\pi l} (\frac{l}{e})^l A(l)

    where :math:`A(l)` is a series expansion in 1/l of the form
    :math:`1 + 1 / 12l + 1 / 288l^2 - 139/51840/l^3 + ...`. This allows to transform the product
    above into

    .. math::

       \frac{e^{-x} x^l}{l!} \approx \frac{1}{A(l)\sqrt{2\pi l}}\left(\frac{x e}{l}\right)^l e^{-x}

    and then, bringing the exponential into the parenthesis

    .. math::

       \frac{e^{-x} x^l}{l!}\approx\frac{1}{A(l)\sqrt{2\pi l}} \left(\frac{x e^{1-x/l}}{l}\right)^l

    The function inside the brackets has a maximum around :math:`x \approx l` and is well-behaved,
    allowing to approximate the product for large :math:`l` without the need to calculate the
    factorial or the exponentials directly.
    # Numerical errors occur when x is not a float
    x = float(x)

    if x == 0.0 and m == 0:
        return 1.0

    # For decently small numbers, use the direct formula
    if m < 50 or (x > 1 and m * max(np.log10(x), 1) < 50):
        return np.exp(-x) * x**m * __INVERSE_FACTORIALS[m]

    # Use Stirling's approximation
    return 1.0 / np.sqrt(TWOPI * m) * np.power(x * np.exp(1 - x / m) / m, m) / _stirling_factor(m)

[docs] def r_in(td, r_0): """Calculate incident countrate given dead time and detected countrate. Parameters ---------- td : float Dead time r_0 : float Detected countrate """ tau = 1 / r_0 return 1.0 / (tau - td)
[docs] def r_det(td, r_i): """Calculate detected countrate given dead time and incident countrate. Parameters ---------- td : float Dead time r_i : float Incident countrate """ tau = 1 / r_i return 1.0 / (tau + td)
@njit() def _Gn(x, n): """Term in Eq. 34 in Zhang+95.""" s = 0.0 for m in range(0, n): new_val = e_m_x_x_over_factorial(x, m) * (n - m) s += new_val # The curve above has a maximum around x~l if x != 0 and s > 0 and m > 2 * x and -np.log10(np.abs(new_val / s)) > PRECISION: break return s @njit() def _h(k, n, td, tb, tau): """Term in Eq. 35 in Zhang+95.""" # Typo in Zhang+95 corrected. k * tb, not k * td factor = k * tb - n * td if k * tb - n * td < 0: return 0.0 val = k - n * (td + tau) / tb + tau / tb * _Gn(factor / tau, n) return val INFINITE = 699 @njit() def A0(r0, td, tb, tau): """Term in Eq. 38 in Zhang+95. Parameters ---------- r0 : float Detected countrate td : float Dead time tb : float Bin time of the light curve tau : float Inverse of the incident countrate """ s = 0.0 for n in range(1, int(max(2, tb / td * 2 + 1))): s += _h(1, n, td, tb, tau) return r0 * tb * (1 + 2 * s) @njit() def A_single_k(k, r0, td, tb, tau): """Term in Eq. 39 in Zhang+95. Parameters ---------- k : int Order of the term r0 : float Detected countrate td : float Dead time tb : float Bin time of the light curve tau : float Inverse of the incident countrate """ if k == 0: return A0(r0, td, tb, tau) # Equation 39 s = 0.0 for n in range(1, int(max(3, (k + 1) * tb / td * 2))): new_val = _h(k + 1, n, td, tb, tau) - 2 * _h(k, n, td, tb, tau) + _h(k - 1, n, td, tb, tau) s += new_val return r0 * tb * s def A(k, r0, td, tb, tau): """Term in Eq. 39 in Zhang+95. Parameters ---------- k : int or array of ints Order of the term r0 : float Detected countrate td : float Dead time tb : float Bin time of the light curve tau : float Inverse of the incident countrate """ if isinstance(k, Iterable): return np.array([A_single_k(ki, r0, td, tb, tau) for ki in k]) return A_single_k(k, r0, td, tb, tau) def limit_A(rate, td, tb): """Limit of A for k->infty, as per Eq. 43 in Zhang+95. Parameters ---------- rate : float Incident count rate td : float Dead time tb : float Bin time of the light curve """ r0 = r_det(td, rate) return r0**2 * tb**2
[docs] def check_A(rate, td, tb, max_k=100, save_to=None, linthresh=0.000001, rate_is_incident=True): r"""Test that A is well-behaved. This function produces a plot of :math:`A_k - r_0^2 t_b^2` vs :math:`k`, to visually check that :math:`A_k \rightarrow r_0^2 t_b^2` for :math:`k\rightarrow\infty`, as per Eq. 43 in Zhang+95. With this function is possible to determine how many inner loops `k` (`limit_k` in function pds_model_zhang) are necessary for a correct approximation of the dead time model Parameters ---------- rate : float Count rate, either incident or detected (use the `rate_is_incident` bool to specify) td : float Dead time tb : float Bin time of the light curve Other Parameters ---------------- max_k : int Maximum k to plot save_to : str, default None If not None, save the plot to this file linthresh : float, default 0.000001 Linear threshold for the "symlog" scale of the plot rate_is_incident : bool, default True If True, the input rate is the incident count rate. If False, it is the detected one. """ if rate_is_incident: tau = 1 / rate r0 = r_det(td, rate) else: r0 = rate tau = 1 / r_in(td, rate) limit = limit_A(rate, td, tb) fig = plt.figure() k_values = np.arange(0, max_k + 1) A_values = A(k_values, r0, td, tb, tau) plt.plot(k_values, A_values - limit, color="k") plt.semilogx() plt.yscale("symlog", linthresh=linthresh) plt.axhline(0, ls="--", color="k") plt.xlabel("$k$") plt.ylabel("$A_k - r_0^2 t_b^2$") if save_to is not None: plt.savefig(save_to) plt.close(fig) return k_values, A_values
@njit() def _B_raw(k, r0, td, tb, tau): """Term in Eq. 45 in Zhang+95.""" if k == 0: return 2 * (A_single_k(0, r0, td, tb, tau) - r0**2 * tb**2) / (r0 * tb) new_val = A_single_k(k, r0, td, tb, tau) - r0**2 * tb**2 return 4 * new_val / (r0 * tb) @njit() def _safe_B_single_k(k, r0, td, tb, tau, limit_k=60): """Term in Eq. 39 in Zhang+95, with a cut in the maximum k. This can be risky. Only use if B is really 0 for high k. """ if k > limit_k: return 0.0 return _B_raw(k, r0, td, tb, tau) def _safe_B(k, r0, td, tb, tau, limit_k=60): """Term in Eq. 39 in Zhang+95, with a cut in the maximum k. This can be risky. Only use if B is really 0 for high k. """ if isinstance(k, Iterable): return np.array([_safe_B_single_k(ki, r0, td, tb, tau, limit_k=limit_k) for ki in k]) return _safe_B_single_k(int(k), r0, td, tb, tau, limit_k=limit_k) def B(k, r0, td, tb, tau, limit_k=60): """Term in Eq. 39 in Zhang+95, with a cut in the maximum k. The cut can be risky. Only use if B is really 0 for high k. Use `check_B` to test. Parameters ---------- k : int or array of ints Order of the term r0 : float Detected countrate td : float Dead time tb : float Bin time of the light curve tau : float Inverse of the incident countrate Other Parameters ---------------- limit_k : int Limit to this value the number of terms in the inner loops of calculations. Check the plots returned by the `check_B` and `check_A` functions to test that this number is adequate. """ return _safe_B(k, r0, td, tb, tau, limit_k=limit_k)
[docs] def check_B(rate, td, tb, max_k=100, save_to=None, linthresh=0.000001, rate_is_incident=True): r"""Check that :math:`B\rightarrow 0` for :math:`k\rightarrow \infty`. This function produces a plot of :math:`B_k` vs :math:`k`, to visually check that :math:`B_k \rightarrow 0` for :math:`k\rightarrow\infty`, as per Eq. 43 in Zhang+95. With this function is possible to determine how many inner loops `k` (`limit_k` in function pds_model_zhang) are necessary for a correct approximation of the dead time model Parameters ---------- rate : float Count rate, either incident or detected (use the `rate_is_incident` bool to specify) td : float Dead time tb : float Bin time of the light curve Other Parameters ---------------- max_k : int Maximum k to plot save_to : str, default None If not None, save the plot to this file linthresh : float, default 0.000001 Linear threshold for the "symlog" scale of the plot rate_is_incident : bool, default True If True, the input rate is the incident count rate. If False, it is the detected one. """ if rate_is_incident: tau = 1 / rate r0 = r_det(td, rate) else: r0 = rate tau = 1 / r_in(td, rate) fig = plt.figure() k_values = np.arange(1, max_k + 1) B_values = B(k_values, r0, td, tb, tau, limit_k=max_k) threshold = max(tb / td, 1) * 10.0 ** (3 * np.log10(k_values) - PRECISION) plt.plot(k_values, threshold, label="Est. propagation of float errors", color="red") plt.plot(k_values, -threshold, color="r") plt.plot(k_values, B_values, color="k", ds="steps-mid") plt.axhline(0, ls="--", color="k") plt.semilogx() plt.yscale("symlog", linthresh=linthresh) plt.xlabel("$k$") plt.ylabel("$B_k$") plt.xlim([0.9, max_k]) plt.legend() if save_to is not None: plt.savefig(save_to) plt.close(fig) return k_values, B_values
@njit(parallel=True) def _inner_loop_pds_zhang(N, tau, r0, td, tb, limit_k=60): """Calculate the power spectrum, as per Eq. 44 in Zhang+95.""" P = np.zeros(N // 2) for j in prange(N // 2): eq8_sum = 0.0 for k in range(1, min(N, limit_k)): Bk = _safe_B_single_k(k, r0, td, tb, tau, limit_k=limit_k) eq8_sum += (N - k) / N * Bk * np.cos(2 * np.pi * j * k / N) P[j] = _safe_B_single_k(0, r0, td, tb, tau) + eq8_sum return P
[docs] def pds_model_zhang(N, rate, td, tb, limit_k=60, rate_is_incident=True): """Calculate the dead-time-modified power spectrum. Parameters ---------- N : int The number of spectral bins rate : float Incident count rate td : float Dead time tb : float Bin time of the light curve Other Parameters ---------------- limit_k : int Limit to this value the number of terms in the inner loops of calculations. Check the plots returned by the `check_B` and `check_A` functions to test that this number is adequate. rate_is_incident : bool, default True If True, the input rate is the incident count rate. If False, it is the detected count rate. Returns ------- freqs : array of floats Frequency array power : array of floats Power spectrum """ if rate_is_incident: tau = 1 / rate r0 = r_det(td, rate) else: r0 = rate tau = 1 / r_in(td, rate) # Nph = N / tau"Calculating PDS model (update)") P = _inner_loop_pds_zhang(N, tau, r0, td, tb, limit_k=limit_k) if tb > 10 * td: warnings.warn( f"The bin time is much larger than the dead time. " f" Calculations might be slow. tb={tb / td:.2f} * td" ) maxf = 0.5 / tb df = maxf / len(P) freqs = np.arange(len(P)) * df return freqs, P
[docs] def non_paralyzable_dead_time_model( freqs, dead_time, rate, bin_time=None, limit_k=200, background_rate=0.0, n_approx=None, ): """Calculate the dead-time-modified power spectrum. Parameters ---------- freqs : array of floats Frequency array dead_time : float Dead time rate : float Detected source count rate Other Parameters ---------------- bin_time : float Bin time of the light curve limit_k : int, default 200 Limit to this value the number of terms in the inner loops of calculations. Check the plots returned by the `check_B` and `check_A` functions to test that this number is adequate. background_rate : float, default 0 Detected background count rate. This is important to estimate when deadtime is given by the combination of the source counts and background counts (e.g. in an imaging X-ray detector). n_approx : int, default None Number of bins to calculate the model power spectrum. If None, it will use the size of the input frequency array. Relatively simple models (e.g., low count rates compared to dead time) can use a smaller number of bins to speed up the calculation, and the final power values will be interpolated. Returns ------- power : array of floats Power spectrum """ if rate + background_rate > 1 / dead_time: raise ValueError( "The sum of the source and background count rates is larger than the inverse " "of the dead time. This is not a physical situation. Please check your input." ) if bin_time is None: bin_time = 1 / (2 * max(freqs)) n_bins = n_approx if n_approx is not None else max(max(freqs), 10) zh_f, zh_p = pds_model_zhang( int(n_bins) * 2, (rate + background_rate), dead_time, bin_time, limit_k=limit_k, rate_is_incident=False, ) # Rescale by the source rate wrt background rate if background_rate > 0: zh_p = (zh_p - 2) * rate / (rate + background_rate) + 2 pds_interp = interp1d(zh_f, zh_p, bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate") return pds_interp(freqs)